Quat AtiFRVons

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Quotation -1Thou knowst that all my fortunes are at sea.

Neither have I money nor commodity

To raise a present sum. Therefore go forth,
Try what my credit can in Venice do
That shall be racked even to the uttermost
To furnish thee to Belmont, to fair Portia.
Go presently inquire, and so will I,
Where money is, and I no question make
To have it of my trust or for my sake.
The Speaker : Antonio
The occasion : When Bassanio asked Antonio to give money , Antonio said
that I cant give you the cash you need because all of my ships are busy at the
sea. But go ahead and charge things to me on credit
Quotation -2If I live to be as old as Sibylla, I will die as chaste as Diana unless I be
obtained by the manner of my fathers will. I am glad this parcel of wooers are
so reasonable, for there is not one among them but I dote on his very absence.
And I pray God grant them a fair departure.
The Speaker : portia
The occasion :portia is expressing her sadness because she can not chose to
marry the man she loves , and she is tied up by her fathers will , but even
though, she prefers to die alone over disobeying her fathers will

Quotation 3
Certainly my conscience will serve me to run from this Jew, my master. The
fiend is at mine elbow and tempts me, saying to me, Gobbo, Launcelot
Gobbo, Good Launcelot, or Good Gobbo, or Good Launcelot Gobbo
use your legs, take the start, run away. My conscience says, No. Take
heed, honest Launcelot. Take heed, honest Gobbo, or as aforesaid, Honest
Launcelot Gobbo, do not run. Scorn running with thy heels.
The Speaker: Launcelot
The occasion; Launcelot wants to escape from his jewish master , his
conscience intervenes to stop him from escaping by reminding him that he is a
honest man and he will feel guilty if he runs away but the devil is convincing
him to leave and simply flee and run away

Quotation -4I know the hand. In faith, tis a fair hand,

And whiter than the paper it writ on
Is the fair hand that writ.
The Speaker : Lorenzo
The occasion : Jessica sent a letter to Lorenzo , and when he red it , he
recognised her hand writing and said that its a beautiful handwriting and her
hand is fine and whiter than the paper

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