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Advanced Teacher: Vincent Phinouwong

Needs Analysis
Name / Nickname: _________________________________________________
Where you are from (city/country): ___________________________________
Nationality: _______________________________________________________
Email: ____________________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________________________________________________
Professional Details
1. What is your current occupation?

2. What is your professional background/work experience?

3. What Academic Qualifications do you have?

General Questions
4. How long have you been in the USA?

5. What is your native language?

6. Do you know any other languages? If yes, what are they?

7. How long and where have you studied English?

8. What is your best memory of any classroom experience? Why?

9. What is your worst memory of any classroom experience? Why?

Level: Advanced Teacher: Vincent Phinouwong

10. What are your English goals? Rank your top 3 goals below from most important (1) to
least important (3):
____ get a job
____ get a better job
____ improve speaking
____ improve reading
____ improve grammar
____ improve conversation skills
____ improve writing
____ learn about American culture
____ for TOEFL, IELTS, GRE or other test
____ other: _______________________________________________
11. What do you think you are good at in English? Rank your skills from best (1) to worst
____ reading
____ writing
____ listening
____ speaking
____ grammar
____ pronunciation
12. Which activities are most helpful to you in learning English? (check all that apply)
watching TV
pronunciation drills
grammar exercises
field trips
other: _________________________________________________________
13. What do you usually read in your first language? (i.e. newspapers, novels, emails, etc.)

14. What do you usually read in English? How often?

15. What is the last book you read for pleasure (in any language)?

16. Are you a fast reader in your native language? Why do you/dont you think so?

17. Are you a fast reader in English? Why do you/dont you think so?

Level: Advanced Teacher: Vincent Phinouwong

18. What do you usually write in your native language? (i.e. emails, shopping lists,
postcards, etc.)

19. What do you usually write in English? How often?

20. What topics are interesting to you? (check all that apply)
American culture
cultural differences
global issues/politics
pop culture (music, movies, fashion, etc.)
other: ____________________________
21. Which of the following do you have at home? (check all that apply)
computer (laptop or desktop)
iPad or tablet computer


22. Which websites and software are you familiar with? (check all that apply)
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Power Point
other: ________________________________________________________________
23. Approximately how many hours per day/week are you willing and able to dedicate to
English study outside of the classroom (homework. practice, etc)?

24. How much of your day is spent in English (approximate percentage)?

25. Do you have any questions for the teachers?

26. I would like to know more about you! Please write 6-8 sentences to answer the following
a. Why did you come to New York?
b. What do you like best about New York?
c. What do you like least about New York?

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