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Juan Alvarado

Professor Ogbara
English 101
December 11, 2015

Annotated Bibliography

Federal Pell Grant The University of Georgia Office of Student Finical Aid
This article is factual information from The University of Georgias finical aids website.
This information provides information on how long the Federal Pell Grant lasts and up to how
much money can a student receive. This goal is simply to inform the student what is a Federal
Pell Grant how long it can they use it and up to how much money will they get. This is very
reliable information because in my FASFA application the same information stated.
This fit into my research because its very useful information in proving the
disadvantages of a lower class student. This information will help me prove that there is an
educational barrier for the lower class.
U.S. Education Secretary Warns that Automatic Budget Cuts Would Hurt Children and
Families U.S. Department of Education
This article is about how automatic budget cuts hurt children and families. The point to
this article is to prevent more educational budget cuts. The article explains who will be effect and
how they will be effect. It allows gives an estimate of how much money will be cut from these
programs. The information provided is objective and its goal is to prevent automatic budget cuts.

I can use this source to show the disadvantages that the lower class is faced with by showing
what happens when budget cuts are made.
Liberties union of southern California. New CA law ensures public school students arent
charged illegal fees. American civil
This article explains why the school cannot charge a student a fee to attend a class. The article
discuss information on the class action law suit that proved that school could not charge a fee.
The article is help full because it has allowed me to show a pattern of what happened during the
educational budget cuts. I intend to connect this information to other information that happened
at the same time and show how the lower classs secondary education was destroyed causing.
Then compare the higher class to the lower class in the same time frame and show, how the twos
educational system was effected differently.

Bankston III L Carl The Mass Production of Credentials Subsidies and the Rise of
Education Industry. The Independent Review,
This article gives hypothetical and factual examples of what will happen if we allow the mass
production of credentials. The main argument is that we cannot allow an abundance of people to
be educated because degrees would become worthless. This information is very useful because
the information a counter argument and I can point out the logical fallacies that people who
oppose and equal educational system have. This information is reliable because this has
happened before in the past.
Burke, Lindsey and Butler, Stuart M, Ph.D. Accreditation: Removing the Barriers to
Education Reform

This article explains what happens to a school when it loses the accreditation it also explain
hypnotical reason behind the second agenda of accreditation. This article helps me to formulate
an argument because now I can show what happens to some of the lower class students who
decide to attend higher education that has no accreditation. This article does show some opposing
views and seems to be reliable.

Carnegie, Andrew. The Gospel of Wealth. A World of Ideas. Ed. Lee A. Jacobs.
This chapter explains why the economic system is perfect the way it is and why the only problem
there is the distribution of wealth. The covers reasons why any other economic system will not
be beneficial or functional. Carnegie does express a few ideas on how to distribute money such
as giving some to education. Although this article is not directly related the educational structure
I can use Carnegies law of competition to show that only better educated people will emerge
from my educational reform.
This information is very use full because I will be using hypnotical examples that can be
supported by some of his information. This chapter is very objective and its goal is to keep the
economic system the same and to influence other rich people to give their money to the people
who are worthy.

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