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Ethical Dilemma: I think maybe one dilemma that may have occurred while I was
observing was that the resting interpreter was sitting next to me, and I would ask him/her
questions. Of course I wouldnt do it very often, but Im sure it was distracting for the
times that I did ask questions.
2. Potential demands
a. Pre-demand Interpreting students ask interpreter questions while the interpreter
is trying to become acquainted with Deaf client.
b. During Interpreting student is asking questions while the interpreter is resting
and may be trying to feed signs to the signing interpreter.
c. Post-demand Interpreter has another interpreting appointment they have to get
to but ITP students are asking questions after the current assignment.
3. Potential Controls
a. Pre-Control Let the interpreting student know that you can have a Q&A
session after the assignment, so write everything down and ask me later.
b. During Inform the student that you as the interpreter need to pay attention so
that you can support your team.
c. Post-Control Offer to answer any questions the student may have. Give out
business card with phone number and email address so they can contact them at
another time if they need.
4. I would probably inform them in the beginning to save their questions for later and if they
couldnt stay, to email me, and that Id be happy to answer their questions. Id also let
them know that they can ask me short little questions about signs and their meaning, but

that I wouldnt be able to go too in depth about anything in particular. Of course, I would
say all of this in a friendly manner so that they feel comfortable coming to me again.

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