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MY LV IMS Ye II Ni NG vo vee Pee <4 ‘ A ee eet wel ‘allah Table of Contents - s# Page # 1 |CLASS ROOM 263] oA S y Leaalt] 3 2 |THE WORLD be pli] 4 3 |ON LAND o5] MGs] 5 4 |THE TOWN fe Antosi] 6 5 |CLOTHES, MEN U6] Ade) } 8 6 |CLOTHES, WOMEN JYbOLS FSS we! 10 7_|A HOUSE TO LIVE IN Fee) Sos] 12 8 |ENTRANCE eet Cod fee] 13 9 |SITTING-ROOM Ge leoele | Sten ty 8 yess ads] 14 10|DINING ROOM arg plaali db] 15 11 |BATHROOM, LAVATORY | + lGhewuslclb J” pleed!| 16 12| KITCHEN ‘ sega we! 17 13|HOUSE APPLIANCES ete Se AS pol YT} 18 14|BEDROOM fbr esd | 19 15 | CONTAINERS HEALS] opty SS ori] 20 16|THE GARDEN Zul Mbaod'] 21 17 |OCCUPATIONS Bory Slesly 344] 22 18] POST OFFICE wy! 24 19|SCIENCE LAB poulliee| 25 20 |THE OFFICE Phe Bay Kal] 26 21|SHOP KEEPING Whe Sg! 1M] 27 22|THE HUMAN BODY Cai] Lia ener shine] 28 23|ANIAMAL KINGDOM goSuse Ul pol glte] 31 24 | VEGETABLE KINGDOM a SUL! gle] 37 25|ADJECTIVE dl ial e!| 42 26 |VERBS Jui dual] 44 27 CARDINAL NUMBERS seh ade) ose] 48 CLASS ROOM bi pn pe / Ladi 1. Blackboard 2. Dais (or platform) - 3. Desk KIN MS 4. Easel hist 5. Satchel a 6. Wall map BE vy Writing and drawing PELY yal 7. Chalk LAL 8. Compasses Bee 9. Dividers BBs, 10. Duster we 11. Eraser 4s 12, Ink bey 13. Pen nib se 14, Paintbrush LAL 1S. (fointain-)pen B 16. Pencil J 17. Protractor JIL sls 18. Ruler Dueck, 19, Set-squire leet 20.Slidemle Ju ilar uel, tid THE WORLD 2) ow Liat Maps pe 1. Bay, Gulf Ce 2. Canal oe 3. Continent fiz Be Delis ot Baths 5. Island ee 6. Isthmus-eseFbL ured IG 7. Meridians of Longitude, 340) 8. Ocean aa 9. Parallels of Latitude 42 Uiy 10. Peninsula VayZ 11. Sea fuse 12, Strait (or Channel) = 2 tT The Globe tnt 13. Antarctic Circle AK 5 14. Arctic Circle 276 SE-B 15. Equator 1s 16. Northern Hemisphere Js /23) 17. North Pole JF_S 18. Southern Hemisphere (352¢-Ls) 19. South Pole Gres 20. Tropic of Cancer obs 21. Tropic of Capricom Sark ON LAND 4 The Country-side — Ykolgs i5)) 1. Bridge rd 2. Footpath §— Se Lee ag 3. Forest 2h 4. Grass ut s. Hill Gig 6. Peak bg 7. River ky 8. Road Sune bee cee 9. Signpost ween guaclernipe 10. Tributary eosb cast ycacey dang tt 11. Valley Ur 3 12.Village use ue 13. Waterfall eT nega 4 The Weather (v 14.Cloud st am 15. Lightning Ebe7 ee 16.Rain ah 17.Rainbow & 18, Sunshine > 1B 14. Cycle-rickshaw 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20 Advertisement . Auto-rickshaw Bank Banner Barber Barrow Bicycle Bus Bus stop and shelter (3/21 (motor-jear - Cart 12. Corner Crossroads Dustbin Fly-Over Fountain Gutter Hotel Kerb Uw) Sb arf jue eo haf ibe oe Gur Sy Jt era ue THE TOWN (8) gr (agach 21. Lamp Post 0S, 22. Motor-cycle (or-bike) kr 23. Notice OUelentC WI 24. Pavement Wb yg Pes 25, Pedestrian crossing 21/62 AS 26. Petrol Station ek 27. Queue AG 28. Restaurant ab pbb yFey 29. Scooter JAA 30. Statue oe, 31. Taxi (cab) ss 32. Telephone kiosk (or booth) AWIK gestthos 33. Traffic policeman ULKG i 34. Truck (or lorry) CIF suai AS CLOTHES, MEN (4) Ub Oe, ASG Clothes Bush-shirt Collar Cuff Cuff-link 3 *(under) pants week “suai EO Trousers We 9 Shirt oe . Vest (or singlet) ve For hands and feet Aya isis 9. *boot(s) 10. *glove(s) ex ave ene 12. *sandal(s) 13. *shoe(s) 14, *shoe-laces 15. *Slipper(s) 5 16, *sock(s) oe ag 1 17. Sole Sag Bens sal 18. (wrist-) watch 19. Turban CLOTHES, MEN®) a OMe, Ane oie Bath and toilet’ W.C. or watergB ez 31 1. Bath (or tub) 3 2. Commode (W.C pan) 26h re 3. Flush cistern FSLYdt 4. Mug 633 5. Plug Aves 6. Shower 6? 7. Tap F 8. Towel di 9. Towel-rail SENS 10. Wash-basin WEL AiznaFl, $ Toilet articles ee © U.Blade U2 Weil tte th fee Hieeccacamn Mu éLe 13. Nail clipper Uiart 14. Razor lags 15. (box of) Tissues gH. BK LU 16. Tooth brush Uburh KITCHEN bE ab me "Onze oa (STOO, 1. Bracket GUE TL Gti 2. Broom se P 3. Brush JILL Bete 4. Colander UF Jctiea 5. Draining-board 2°61 ALES saa 6. Dustpan ee aue 7. Gas pipe beSu%. hoes 8. Grinding stone a 9, Ladle bs 10. Larder ui 11. Mop be Gpie\spainnis _ 12, (box of ) Matches Giehs piinditeces pS dels 13. Pail (or bucket) 54 - 14, Rolling board and pin vt Hs We 15. Scales sF 16. Scrubbing-brush 7K: Get 2s 17. Shelf bee _ 18, Sieve (or strainer) gt Coteus a 19. Sink EWE AS: 20. (gas) Stove Ue oe HOUSEHOLD + APPLIANCES aut For laundry oft Sues Sure 1. Electric iron EritE ¢ 2 Flex a uae db bis 3. Ironing-board FOSHI Sie 4. Pin (of plug) & wid 5. Plug 4 6. Powerpoint (or socket) Lal 7. Switch Oe , 8. Washing machine v2 UC #ie_ For food storage Bali 9. Mousetrap bak 10. Refrigerator (or fridge) we For sewing = due 11. Bobbin ertet SLs 12. Sewing machine ee obu 13. Shuttle Sik 14, Treadle wee Sou BEDROOM Alarm clock Bedspread Blanket Bed 4 Coat-hanger §— GASL Be Chest of drawer UI Sieib> Comb ue Dressing-table Hairbrush 28a as oS 10. Jewellery-box 11. Mattress 12. Mirror (or looking-glass) ai. Asie 13. Mosquito net we 14, Pillow oe 15. Quilt bee 16. Reading lamp —ibex 17. Screen shear ane 18. Sheet we 19. Stool v 20. Wardrobe GU Se fe CONTAINERS, FOR ice Ne: 2015 JEN ogi FOOD & DRINK HEE WL eae Bottle (feeding) bottle Bowl (or basin) . Casserole Cup Dish Frying-pan . Glass 10. (pickle) jar 11, Jug 12. Kettle 13, Plate 1 z 3 a 5. Coffee-pot 6. 4 8 9 14, Saucer . 15, Steam cooker ebb bau 16. Saucepan (or pot) A 17.Um Ake ble 18, Vacuum (or thermos) flask — UU THE GARDEN er AwaAwNE 10. ul 12 13. 14. 15. 17. 19, 20, In the garden Dog-kennel Flower-bed (or borden SU" uv Flower-pot Hedge . Lawn-mower Path Well Wheelbarrow Garden Tools . Broom (Garden) fork Hoe Hose pipe Pickaxe Rake . Scythe 16. Shears Sickle Spade Trowel Watering-can We MNGi bss lislg wtPARE OL OCCUPATIONS (A) Od ht Sha . Barber . Butcher |. Carpenter . Bank clerk |. Hawker WS Bp Subs ae Air pilot Cobbler (bus-) conductor Cook (or chef) Dentist Detective pBuntly ogee . Docker sop | bo Doctor pis (bus-) driver Wed ter }. Dustman (or sweeper) Nae, Farmer ot . Fireman WEST . Fisherman ASLAN Fitter (or mechanic). §+“KUgI6 (Train-) guard bod, OCCUPATIONS ®) ie oes dusty Launderer . Miner 3. Nurse Policeman 25, Railway porter or coolie & 26. Painter Ie tc 27. Postman fll 28, Printer Co wee BL 29, Sailor Uw 30. Scientist WL 31.Secretary Uk Kelner 32. Salesman tk cites 33. Shopkeeper M6 34. Soldier n BE 35. (airline) steward o* wiigdix r ee es 36. Tailor in gine tere tt 37. Teacher se ipa eee 38. Ticket collector isd SL pat eee 39, Waiter pe lbaw aie 40. Weaver Ws hur POST OFFICE 6S dy © © Mitt yn 1. Address * 2. Airmail leter BEM bIx 3. Envelope 3B) 4, Inland letter Bot! 5. Mail bag 3b SH, 4 6. Money order form SYS 7. Post-(letter-) box $ A Sikes 8. Postcard (M5 Siu 9 bl 9. Posting a letter ep UESIS aap heyy ab; 10. Postmark REM fb od get 11. Seal Stamp a 12. Sealing-wax 6 L bs Ae x 13. Slot SewecLis jeg 14. Ticket of 15. Telegram (or wire or cable) ae SCIENCE LABORATORY 9f, ASU“ 1. Balance 2. Beaker 3. Bunsen burner 4. Dial 5. Flask 6. Magnet ute een 7. Meter Jive Biisi «Side aes 8. Microscope tt Opal oes pe ee 9, Pestle and mortar -2-3u)sh iy hand ya 10, Pipette Ee late bio, (aciamanais yarn a) gaeeli 11. Pivot : BSS? of dosagseite: 12. Pointer brat 13. Prism (o o/b Esse tho Ma Retot iv ASLetout 15. Scale ageilFte ae Hh 16. Slide 22K Pte ee 17. Table # ee 18. Test-tube 19, Tripod. stern 20. Weights BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION, 3, -u5iK/ 16 ayy CEE THE OFFICE ‘ aa 1. Adding machine 2. Air-conditioner o**%\ 3 4. Carbon paper GOB HE 5. Computer i 6. Dairy CAB ag tiny 7. Desk bee 8. Duplicator machine tw Sue 9. Fax machine uf 10. (letter) file eicreke 11, Filing-cabinet CUS 12. Note book Ge iba Av) 13. Paper Clip PSL Kae Rirrcemer sy 14. Pin oe rs) 15, Revolving chair Are F Sepsth 3580 gai Shr 16. Safe Wife ois 17. Stapler FE Se Hi ts 18, Switchboard SUM ee made 19. Telephone ot ae 20. Typewriter Jie Pin st Hyhigshay + TRADE & INDUSTRY, Wuisyiizr2sleu? ope 483 SHOP KEEPING i 2 Shop (or store) Cash register (or till) CU . Counter . Show window |. Shutter Market Aenea 5. Awning Stall (or booth) 6) Money (or cash) Be fe xe 7. Cheque (Ag/2 61 So a 8. Coin BA 9. (bank) Note eed ‘Accounts be 2 10. Bill (or invoice) ie < 11. Receipt ) iyi. 4 Packing a parcel bos SOL sist di aot SS - 12, Label wo. J# qingue pauesy vg 13. (wrapping) paper 22.41 54 14, String Unie a THE HUMAN BODY . Backbone . Jaw(s) . Joints) . Pelvis Pea Ste . Rib(s) ocd Skull CF The Body Wx 7. Abdomen (or belly) . 8. Back 9. Biceps 10. Brain 11. Chest (or breast) 12, Buttocks (or bottom) 13. Fist 14. Hair 15, Head 16. Hips 17. Navel 18. Shoulders 19. Throat 20. Neck 21. Waist Aco aheees mig S18 tad Eu dali jie ‘THE HUMAN BODY bu The limbs (teg and foot, Lorh£ tiers 1. Ankle 2 2. Calf be 3. (Right) foot els 4. Heel Uz! 5. Knee Ss 6. Muscles ce 7. Shin es: Gus dees 8. Thigh dee 9. Toe (ea Sad 10. Veins, arteries Sidi dus ethiatsee dno @ ‘The limbs (arm and hand) aie efuliece Plas! adh etd eres 11. (Upper) arm adh b158 12. Elbow uf oy 13. Finger(s) uLsi uel 14, Finger-naill(s) PE US pra 15. Forearm wba k dew 16. Forefinger Giger? 17. (Right) hand Fee 18. Knuckle(s) BRenL Ie 19. Thumb wr ae 20. Wrist ye bw oe ). Intestine (or bowel) . Kidney(s) . Liver 3. Lung(s) Face Beard Brow (or forehead) ‘Cheek(s) Chin Ear Lip(s) Moustache Nose Nostril(s) Tongue Tooth (teeth) Eye Eye ball Eyebrow Eyelash(es) Eyelid Pupil & 2bust oh Gullet dedus The inside Bladder Heart Stomach Windpipe seer Aagavweepe ul 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18, . Butterfly . Canary Creatures with wings #ed-'yUs¢ (birds, insects) (A #42) Og Beetle Blackbird u*“

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