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Grant Fox

The Essay
Chris McCandless Childhood Pressure
Everyday human beings go through life making decisions that affect us as well as others
in society. Chris McCandless would eventually make a decision that brings him to the end of his
life as well as the key to true self happiness. What role do parents play in the decision making
process of a future adult? Through extensive research I have determined the effects of Chriss
strict parents may have caused him to feel hopeless, and to set out on a journey to find himself.
When thinking of happiness each person has a different meaning of the term. For Chris,
he never had the chance to find out what truly made him happy until it was too late. As Chris
progressed through childhood all he knew was rules, rules, and rules. When a child is
developing it is important for the child to have a sense of self independence. I am not talking
about as an infant or even toddler age, at those ages kids need to learn the difference between
right and wrong; however, when a kid starts developing into the pre-teen and early teenage
years it is important to allow freedom of expression and allow the kid to find a sense of selfworth. Although I previously believed that a kid should have freedom of choice, after research I
have determined that people should not have total independence until their late teens and early
adulthood. Instead, I think that as a child progresses through the years a little bit of
independence should be rewarded to the child as a parent sees fit. The progression of teens
into early adulthood brings about a higher level of maturity. Increased maturity, in most cases,
warrants more trust and a higher level of independence.

In this case, Chriss parents may have guided and tried too hard to mold Chris into the
person they wanted him to be. As stated in the article Whats Wrong with Strict Parenting kids
who have strict parents are more likely to act out and commit rash and impulsive behaviors.
Chris felt so confined with his life that he rebelled against society by disposing of all material
goods and breaking away from all rules and regulations. In the movie there is a scene depicting
Chris eating with his parents while being lectured on what they believe he should do with his
future. In this scene, it is abundantly clear that Chris is not happy and disgusted by the fact of
finding a job and following more rules. In a direct quote from the article, They learn to obey, but
they don't learn to think for themselves.[5]. The nature of his parents are so demanding and
unfair, Chris decides that he doesnt need any of it. When he decides to take his life to the
woods many of his problems can be traced back to his origin. When kids and early adults are
given a slight increase in freedom they are much better off than having someone else control
their life.
Although Chris had a very good life, grew up in a good neighborhood, and received his
degree from a university, he could still not seem to find happiness. When kids are smothered by
their guardians it could be just as bad as a parent neglecting their child. In the wilderness Chris
had ample alone time to think about what made him happy and how he could finish his life in a
good state of mind. Through my research I have determined that good parenting is extremely
important and finding the balance to be a good parent is no easy task. If a parent tries to find a
median of good guy and bad guy, the kid is unsure of what is right and what is wrong and will
constantly be pushing boundaries to see what they can get away with. If a parent is too lenient,
a kid will walk all over them and grow up with no sense of authority or respect for others. Being
a parent is tricky and is not for everyone, and I believe to be the best parent requires an ability
to relate to what their child accepts the most. A comfortable household is where every member

of the house can feel safe and able to speak freely without judgment. Although Chris never
displayed many of the traits toward acting out he did possess other traits.
There are usually three different types of parenting methods and through research
neither one of them can be proved to work with certainty. According to Diana Baumrind, a
permissive parent is the one who will set the rules of what is expected of the child. Once the
child knows what is expected of them, the parent then lets the child make its own decision to an
extent. Only when the child has broken a rule or misbehaved will the parent step in and control
the situation. The next type of parent is authoritarian. The parents of Chris McCandless were
authoritarian. An authoritarian will try to shape or mold the outcome of their child to what they
want and whatever is said by these types of parents is what is going to happen. When raising a
child these parents will already have in their heads how they think their child will turn out;
therefore, these parents will instill beliefs and weighted ideas that the kid may never think of on
its own. This method of parenting may be very dangerous to the kids future. The final method of
parenting is authoritative. An authoritative tends to be more of a democratic type of parent.
When explaining a rule to a child the parent will also explain the reasoning for the rule, and
listen to any objections the kid may have. Research has proven that the authoritative parenting
method works the best and is the most helpful to the childs social and mental future.
When taking a look at how parenting will affect a childs outcome as an adult, many
aspects have to be taken into account. However, when an authority figure is present in the life of
a kid and supervising the childs behavior in a responsible manner the kid will be better off in the
long run.

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