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Melissa Farias

Portfolio Introduction

EDSC 591

Portfolio Introduction
This is an overview of all of the assignments I have completed throughout the course. Since this
portfolio is available on Weebly, any students or professionals that have the link can view its
components. The proposition connected to this piece is Proposition 5: Teachers are members of
learning communities.
Teaching Philosophy Statement
This is a reflective essay about my personal teaching beliefs and my practices. It goes through
my goals for student learning, teaching methods, assessments, and how I create an inclusive
environment. The essay reflects who I am as a teacher and why I chose this profession.
(Proposition 1: Teachers are committed to students and their learning.) I want all students to
know that mistakes are a huge part of learning and success, creating a safe environment where
students are not scared to mess up, but see the benefit in doing so. I also discuss classroom
management and what I do to keep students engaged. (Proposition 3: Teachers are responsible
for managing and monitoring student learning.) Lastly, I discuss the types of assessments I give
and feel are important, both verbal and written.
Collaborative Standards Concept Map with Personal Reflection
This was a collaborative assignment in which a group of us connected the Five Core
Propositions, the California Standards for the Teaching Profession, the National Board Standards
for Mathematics, and the 8 Mathematical Practices. This was quite a process making these
connections, but an amazing learning opportunity. (Proposition 2: Teachers know the subjects
they teach and how to teach those subjects to students.) Since this was collaborative, we had to
talk through it as a group, which helped us reflect on our own teaching and see what we can
improve on. (Proposition 5: Teachers are members of learning communities) I also wrote a

Melissa Farias

Portfolio Introduction

EDSC 591

reflection on this, explaining the process and what I learned from doing it. (Proposition 4:
Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience.)
Teaching Video Analysis
This assignment required me to watch a video of a teacher and analyze his teaching and his
students learning. I had to write this paper using descriptive, analytical, and reflective writing.
Watching this video allowed me to reflect on my own teaching, learning what I should and
should not do in order to create the best learning environment for my students. (Proposition 1:
Teachers are committed to students and their learning.)
Student Case Study
This assignment required me to interview a student that differs from me in many ways. I also
watched this student in a different class and observed how he reacted to the instruction, but also
analyzed if the instruction was culturally relevant. (Proposition 3: Teachers are responsible for
monitoring student learning.) This allowed me to reflect on my own teaching and realize that I
was not doing enough for students that are culturally different from me. (Proposition 1: Teachers
are committed to students and their learning.)
Analysis of Student Work
This assignment was a follow up assignment to the Student Case Study. I was able to create a
guided worksheet to help this student, and his teacher implemented it into her instruction.
(Proposition 1: Teachers are committed to students and their learning) I analyzed his
concentration and engagement in the classroom with this adaptation, and analyzed the work he
completed. I saw a total transformation in the student and realized how a little effort goes a long
way. (Proposition 2: Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to

Melissa Farias

Portfolio Introduction

EDSC 591

Course Reflection
The course reflection is a wrap up of the course and how it has impacted my teaching. It covers
how every assignment has inspired me to be a better teacher and how the course in total has
influenced my work in the program going forward.

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