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The acoustic characteristics of spaces

In order to make a good quality recording studio or venue, there needs to be

specific characteristics to make the room sound efficient. When making a
recording studio, you need to think about what materials you are going make the
room out of and how you are going to make it capture the
If you want to make a venue sound sufficient, then you need to measure the
height, length and width of the room, when you get that, you need to find the
volume of the entire room and the total surface area. to make sure that the room
is sound sufficient, you will need to find out the absorption Coefficient of the
materials used for the walls, ceiling and floor, this will come in handy for finding
out the RT60. The way you find out the RT60 you use the formula = 0.161 x the
volume, divided by the average Absorption Coefficient x the surface area. This
will give you the answer for the RT60, The RT60 is the time it takes until the
sound is completely distinguished, so lower the number then less time it takes
until the sound in the room is Nothing.
Making a Recording studio can be difficult when it comes to the equipment etc...,
here's a list of things you would need...
-PC/Laptop (Apple preferred)
-Speakers x2
-MIDI Keyboard (any size)
-sound proof room
-Logic Pro X or any other music software
-Microphone + Stands
- Cables (Jack leads and XLR cabels)
-Mixing Desk
You will need all of these things
to make a successful
recording studio, One of the most
important things is the sound
proof, this is because as
much as you are making
music and recording, you do
not want sounds outside of
the Recording studio to
interrupt the recording, when
you are recording with high
quality microphones, any
sound can get picked up by the microphone which will mess up the recording.

Acoustic characteristics
Acoustic absorption refers to the process by which a material, structure and
object takes in sound energy when sound waves are met. The absorbed energy
is transformed into heat and part travels through the body. A standing wave is
the vibration state of a stable system. Standing waves are soundwaves that are
trapped between two walls but collide with the same frequency. For example, if
you sing in a room, and a note you sing sounds different, this is because that
notes frequency is colliding with the same frequency that is "standing".
Acoustic Treatments
The Absorption Coefficient is the time it takes until the sounds decibels reach
minus. you do this by having either solid walls where the sound can't pass all the
way through, or a wall where there are two layers of fabric, so the sound cannot
go through both layers.
The way you make a recording studio sound proof is by having a layer of fabric
on the wall, then having a frame, then another layer of fabric, this means that
there are two layers of Fabric, this means that the first layer captures the sound,
and then the second layer traps the sound.
To get the best sound out of the speakers is by angling them correctly, the best
way for you to angle speakers is by facing them towards you, you want the
speakers to be facing directly at you, this is so all of the sound coming out of the
speakers is moving towards your ears, this makes it easier for your ears to also
take in the sound.

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