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Brain Based Learning

What is Brain Based


A process that uses the

most recent scientific
research of children's
brains to help teachers
teach students
This learning helps teachers

know how to effectively

teach their students so that
the students can retain
more information.

Benefits of Brain Based


Based learning encourages

body movement, which increases the
amounts of dopamine in the body
Having students move around helps

Focus better and longer
Increase their heart rate
Improve their circulation

Facts about Brain Based


Brain-based teaching is
all about smarter, more
purposeful teaching that
can reach a greater
number of students.
Studies show that
students perform
better when there is
less stress
Teachers who manage
stress factors in their
classrooms have a better
chance at having a
successful classroom

Social and Emotional

Academics is
important, but so
is social learning
and social
interaction with
This develops

relationships with
Allows for emotional

Teaching in Smaller

Teachers can
teach in smaller
Break down

Divide information
into chucks with
similar material
Helps students focus
better on the material
that needs to be

Brain Based Learning; Behind


accuracy of the information on the Jensen website that we

have previously looked at shows lists of misleading facts and
products around teaching methods. While some of the
information provided may show these products are useful and
helpful, below the surface there isnt much to work with. In
order to gain more information on each of the products
customers would have to pay for further knowledge. In order to
find out more about the background of this company we would
have to search further outside of the website itself. By going
further into the information that is provided we can find that
this is not a credible source for teachers to be using and the
company behind this website should form more of a basis of
what should really be important to show. It is going to be hard
to trust the products if they are not willing to show what is
behind each of the products shown.

Work Cited

Is Brain-Based Learning?"Brain-Based Learning. Jensen Learning

Corporation, 2015. Web. 5 Dec. 2015.
Edudemic Staff. "Brain-Based Learning Techniques for Class."Edudemic
Connecting Education and Technology. N.p., 30 Oct. 2014. Web. 5 Dec. 2015
"Tratamientos."Cuestionario De Habilidades Sociales. N.p., n.d.

Web. 05 Dec.

"Being a Little Stressed Is Beneficial."Observant Online. Stichting Observant, 2015.
Web. 05 Dec. 2015.
"Want To Be More Productive? Put Down the Coffee, and Relax."Wordfromthewell.
N.p., 10 July 2012. Web. 05 Dec. 2015.
Fitspatrick, Alex. "Obama Unveils Bold Plan to Map the Human Brain."Mashable. N.p.,
2 Apr. 2013. Web. 05 Dec. 2015.
"Our Brains Are Mathematical Geniuses According To New Study."Doctor Tipster. N.p.,
18 Apr. 2013. Web. 08 Dec. 2015.
Socrates. "Memory Types & Functions2011."Mind Expanding Techniques. N.p., 10 July
2011. Web. 05 Dec. 2015

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