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Brenda Forrey

Professor Debra Purdy

ENGL 312 video script draft
23 November 2015
Using the Mail Merge Wizard in Microsoft Word 2013 to produce personalized
form letters

Action on Screen
Insert Title Clip: How to Use
the Mail Merge Wizard in
Microsoft Word 2013
Insert 2nd Title clip: Create
Personalized Form Letters

Title clip: Note to viewer to

stop, rewind, review if

Mouse moves to Mailing

tab, then Mail Merge button
Mouse down dropdown
menu to Step-by-Step Mail
Merge Wizard

Add arrow callouts pointing

to Letters and Next:
Starting Document

Add arrow callouts pointing

to Use the Current
Document and Next:
Select Recipients
Add arrow callouts pointing
to Type a New List and
Edit out pauses in typing of
data in all the fields



Edit out pauses in typing of

data in all the fields.

Hello and welcome to this instructional
video on how to use the Mail Merge
Wizard in Microsoft Word 2013.
Today Im going to show you how to
create personalized form letters by
performing a Mail Merge.
Im starting off with a letter already
open in Word that contains all the text I
want included in each letter and now I
need to personalize them with inside
address information and a greeting line.
Click the MAILINGS tab, and then click
the Start Mail Merge button.
Select Step-by-Step Mail Merge Wizard
from the dropdown menu. This brings
up the navigation pane on the right
side of your screen.
Verify that Letters is selected as the
document type and click Next: Starting
Document here at the bottom of the
navigation pane.
Confirm that Use the Current Document
is selected as the starting document
and click Next: Select Recipients.
Choose Type a New List under Select
Recipients and then click Create. This
brings up the New Address List window.
Enter the data for your first letter
recipient, using the tab key to move
between fields. Its okay to leave a field
blank if you dont have an entry for it.
Just tab past it to the next field.
Continue tabbing through the fields
until all data for the first person on your
address list has been entered.
Add another person to your address list
by clicking New Entry. This opens a new
blank record in your address list. Fill in

Forrey 2


Add arrow callout pointing

to Next: Write Your


Add checkmark motion

callout at insertion point.
Add arrow callout pointing
to Address Block.


Add checkmark motion

callout at insertion point.
Add arrow callout pointing
to Greeting Line.
Add checkmark motion
callout for additional line
Add arrow callout pointing
to Next: Preview your
letters. Add oval motion
callout to double arrow





Add arrow callout pointing

to Next: Complete the
Add oval motion callout to
Fade end of video clip

Transition to end slide:


the fields using the tab key to move

between fields as you did for the first
person on your address list. When
youve finished all your entries, click
OK. This brings up the Save Address
List window.
Enter a file name for your address list
and click Save. Word opens the Mail
Merge Recipients Window. Click OK.
Then click Next: Write Your Letter at the
bottom of the navigation pane.
Place the insertion point in your letter
where you want the inside address to
appear. Then click Address Block in the
navigation pane. Word shows you a
preview from your recipient list. Click
Press the Enter key twice to add a blank
line between the inside address and the
salutation line and click Greeting Line in
the navigation pane. Again, Word shows
you a preview. Click OK. Press the
Enter key to add additional line spacing
after the salutation.
Move your mouse back to the
navigation pane and click Next: Preview
your letters. Word displays your letters
with the variable data in place. You can
preview each letter, using these double
arrow buttons.
Click Next: Complete the Merge, then
click Edit individual letters. Confirm that
All is selected on the pop-up and click
Word opens a new document that
contains your merged letters. If you
want to make changes to any of the
letters, do that here before printing
them. Then click the File tab, select
Print and when the Print preview opens,
click Print to send your letters to the
Youve just produced a set of
personalized form letters using the
Microsoft Word Mail Merge Wizard.

Forrey 2
Thank you for taking the time to watch
this video.

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