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Chapter 5 Section 4: A Different Kind of Reform

Kayla Mullaney

Change in the way that teachers are hired and trained in order to be placed in
a school
Looking at the teaching over anything else
Two groups of teachers- regularly raise achievement level of students and
students that regularly fell behind.
Idea is to match low-income students with high performing teachers for
better results.
Measures of Effective Teaching- schools putting in three hundred million
dollars for research behind what good teaching is and how to create better
Unable to tell if this is actually going to work, some high performing teachings
can go downhill, it is unpredictable.
Research has shown students growing up in low income homes have higher
ACE scores which means there is more of a change of stress, and more likely
to misbehave
Need to look for agencies with a high success rate, many are not run well and
this is when students get impatient and are no longer willing to cooperate,
less likely to graduate college as well.

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