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Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Hand out syllabus/give
introduction into class/explain
what geography is
-Handout vocabulary
-Discuss maps and 3D
-Map types-physical,
topographical, political, climate,
population, economic, and road
-Spiral, Explain $ concept
-Detailed maps
-Have them draw a map to their
house and turn in
-Explain GIS and GPS is a
space-based navigation system
that provides location and time
information in all weather
conditions, anywhere on or
near the earth where there is
an unobstructed line of sight to
four or more GPS satellites. A
geographic information system
(GIS) is a system designed to
capture, store, manipulate,
analyze, manage, and present
all types of spatial or
geographical data.

Due Dates

-Game, split into teams of 3-4,
give definition or description of
map, vocab, GPS, GIS, first
team to write on board the
correct answer gets a pt. The
team who comes in 1 gets 5
bonus points on vocab quiz, 2
place gets 2.
-Name the country worksheet
-Climate graph worksheet

08/27: Name the Country

08/28: Climate Graph

-Vocab quiz
-Aerial map worksheet
-Explain in detail the blog
-Explain the service project

08/31: Arial Map

09/04: Map Drawing



Day 4

Day 5

-Discuss the different types of
maps and what they are used
for in detail
-Map worksheet

Day 6

-Discuss technology in more
-Validity and utility of multiple
sources of Geographic
-Caddo lesson

Day 7

-Complete unit review
-Allow students to ask any
questions over the test

Day 8

-Do spiral check for daily grade
-Unit 1 Test

Day 9

-Learning Target-Students will

learn how geographical
concepts bring changes to our
world. -Students will be able to
compare regions by doing
detailed examinations that
come from multiple
perspectives. Students will
have a better understanding of
people and themselves and can
explain the concept of region
and place. Students will create
a PowerPoint on what culture
means to them.
-Class discussion over test and
questions missed
-Highlight any weak points from
the unit
-Unit 3 vocabulary

Day 10


09/01: Map

09/04: Unit 1 Test

09/08: Make a Region

-If you could make a region

what would it look like
-Allow students to start working
on their blog in class

09/30: Blog

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