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Jacob Wecker

Jacob Wecker
2189 Aluna Pl.
Kihei HI 96753

Table of
Event Ad
Web Page
Business Card

Description: This is my Event Ad

project, involving one scanned in
picture of my choice and all done
in Microsoft Word.

Event Ad

Programs: Microsoft Word,

Epson Scanner, (PDF
Date: 10/11/2015
Course: Comm 130 Section 7
Instructor: Benjamin Pingel
Objectives: Learning how to scan pictures and lose as little resolution as
possible and then incorporating that picture into a made up event ad while
exploring Microsoft Word.
Process: I needed a picture and had none, so I found this stock photo online,
had it printed at a store, and then scanned in that photo and used that copy
for the project. I immediately started pulling colors from the picture to use for
my color scheme. I considered using the coral/salmon color the girl is wearing
but decided on the gold that highlights the mountains and
some blue from the river. Decided on grey for my word
color as to be less obtrusive, and organized it to follow the
flow of the river. I applied some basic
alignment and moves some elements
around to be readily visible.

Nature Calls.
You Listening?

Cottonwood Creek Trail Head

Saturday October 17th
$30 Per Person

Description: This is a black and white

flyer design I did for the activities
department at BYUI for a self defense
class being taught.


Programs: InDesign
Date: 10/2/2015
Course: Comm 130 Section 7
Instructor: Benjamin Pingel
Objectives: This was my first time using InDesign so my biggest focus was
getting familiar with the program. Other than that I was trying to portray
the information that was given to me in a way that would be apealing to the
target audience; anyone who would be interested in taking a capoeira or
other self defence class.
Process: It was all done in InDesign, and the picture was given to me to
use. It was my first time using InDesign but I tried to incorporate shape and
rhythm with the fingered text at the bottom, as well as some strong contrast
with the white script on the black outline that I hope draws the observers
eyes right down the page like I would have them. I spent
a lot of time just playing with different ways to display
the given information, and a lot more time trying to find
easier ways to do the things I did

Description: Concept logos for my

potential family game developing


Programs: Adobe Illustrator

Date: 10/31/2015
Course: Comm 130 Section 7
Instructor: Benjamin Pingel
Objectives: Learning to use Adobe Illustrator effectively as well as
stretching my creativity by trying to desgn different logos for the same
Process: I came up with three different potential logo designs, then chose
the top one which was the most popular and made some basic variations
of it. I made the factory shape simply by adding anchors to a rectangle and
manipulating it into the shape of a factory (Weckery being a mash of my
last name and factory). That was probably the hardest part because I had
to answer the question What shape is a factory? and I had to figure that
out. Then clouds made from overlapping ellipses. The typography took a
while too because I wanted to find some good free fonts
that matched the feel I was going for. Then it was just
a matter of playing around with the small things until I
liked how it looked. The other logos
were fun but not very unique or
oriented specifically to the conpany
that I was going for.

Weckery Gaming





Description: A two-sided
offset style brochure.
Programs: Adobe
Photoshop, Illustrator, and


Date: 12/6/2015
Course: Comm 130 Section 7
Instructor: Benjamin Pingel
Objectives: Combining the skills Ive learned with different programs and
applying them to one project.
Process: For this one I made a logo in Adobe Illustrator titled Chubby Bunny
with the chubby bunny head. I wanted it simple and to work as a childrens
clothes company. Next I set up the offset style table in Adobe InDesign using
rulers. I then started playing with designs that I could incorporate with some
pictures found on Google and my logo.
I liked the stripes and wanted to have them on every side for some gestalt
and rhythm. From there I added the pictures and made three of them wrap
text so I could play with the placement of my paragraphs
with a bit more freedom. I did that using Adobe
Photoshop, cutting out the background and applying it
as a mask, then in Adobe InDesign I
made the photos wrap text with an
Alpha channel.
then I cleaned up things and picked
my typography.
Then printing
and making
sure everything
matched up.




Description: A web page

designed to showcase a
personally created logo for a
potential family business.


Programs: TextWrangler &

Date: 11/21/2015
Course: Comm 130 Section 7
Instructor: Benjamin Pingel
Objectives: Learning and displaying basic web developement skills.
Process: I used only TextWrangler to create the whole webpage. This
was the first time I had ever written any HTML/CSS. It was pretty easy to
validate the code.
After filling out the information I got a stock CSS page that I connected to
my HTML file. At that point everything I tried was new, which meant I was
constantly saving and reloading the webpage to see if the things I tried
worked. I then used the colors from my logo as the colors for my web page.
I found these colors by opening Photoshop and using
the eyedropper tool. I used padding around the logo
and text so that they would not be too close to the edge
of the web page, as well as making
my logofloat so the text wrapped
around it.

Description: A spiritual
montage made by blending
two pictures and overlaying
with a pattern and the use of


Programs: Adobe Photoshop

Date: 10/24/2015
Course: Comm 130 Section 7
Instructor: Benjamin Pingel
Objectives: To get good at blending pictures in photoshop and showing off
some of those skills with the montage. Mostly it was trying to get a montage
instead of a collage.
Process: I started with a 118.5 background where I put the picture of the
temple. I added the picture of the hands with the focal point wedding rind
and added a mask so I could blend the picture into the background slowly
using a lower and lower opacity percentage to make a smooth blend. I then
added the message but I realized it was slightly long so I knew Id have to
find a way to break it up. I focused on the words that
seemed to be the most important and I changed the font
and made them white. Then I added another picture
which was just a rusty metal design
that I added a mask to and cleared
away from the important parts of
the picture, namely, the top of the
temple, the hands,
and the words.


A project to
photography and
editing skills. The
guidelines given were to take my own
picture and have some kind of color
swatch incorporated in the design.
Programs: Adobe Photoshop
Date: 10/16/2015
Course: Comm 130 Section 7
Instructor: Benjamin Pingel

Objectives: Identify and apply a color scheme in a simple flier style design.
Process: I really didnt know beforehand what color scheme I wanted to use
so I set out to find some things to take pictures of. Some bees were posing for
me and I was able to get a quality picture with good light, sharp focus, and nice
composition, and I decided to use a split complimentary color scheme using
Violet, Yellow, and Green. I used my Fujifilm FinePix S8600/
S8630 digital camera to get the shot. Then I photoshopped
the picture with some basic changes using levels, the
sharpening tool, vibrance, and some
selective color changes to get my
flowers to match my color scheme.
I started with elipses but eventually
switched it to my
laser-like straight
lines, throwing
in the little ones
to fill the swatch

Description: A photo that I took of

a friend and altered.
Programs: Adobe Photoshop


Date: 10/14/2015
Course: Comm 130 Section 7
Instructor: Benjamin Pingel
Objectives: Take a decent picture and use photoshop to
make it nicer.
Process: I took the picture at my friends apartment with his camera trying
to focus on leading. Then to Photoshop and cleaned it up a bit. It was one of
my first times using Photoshop but I enjoyed it a lot. I brightened the photo
and sharpened a few details and just for fun changed the color of his shirt.

Description: Business card and

letter head design that match,
created from scratch.
Programs: Adobe Illustrator &
Date: 11/7/2015


Course: Comm 130 Section 7

Instructor: Benjamin Pingel
Objectives: To have consistant themes between this
project and the letterhead project, and to combine my Indesign and
Illustrator skills.
Process: I designed the ice cream design in Adobe Illustrator by
manipulating shapes until I had what I wanted. (Its an i if you couldnt
I threw that in a file that I used for InDesign where I did the majority of
this project. I played a lot with themes and eventually found some textures
that I liked that didnt detract from the over-all design. Then Making sure
everything was legible and copying themes from my card
to the letter head.
The ice cream cone seemed stark against the background
so I gave it a bit of back lighting. I
decided against a water mark for the
letter head after playing around with
it for a while.

Description: A letter
head design that
matches the business
card project, created
from scratch.


Programs: Adobe
Illustrator & InDesign
Date: 11/7/15
Course: Comm 130 Section 7
Instructor: Benjamin Pingel
Objectives: To have consistant themes between this project and the
business card project, and to combine my Indesign and Illustrator skills.
Process: I designed the ice cream design in Adobe Illustrator by
manipulating shapes until I had what I wanted. (Its an i if you couldnt
tell) I decided against a water mark for the letter head after playing around
with it for a while.

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