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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam November 30, 2015

What should we do to transform ourselves into Divine? Bhagawan lovingly

reminds us today.

When you desire to transform a silver statue into a Krishna idol,

you cannot succeed by simply covering the silver idol with a cloth
and uncovering it after a few seconds! You have to break the
statue into pieces, melt the bits and pour the silver into the Krishna
mould! So too when you yearn to transform yourself into Divine,
you must break the pieces with the help of the attitude of
detachment, melt them in the fire of wisdom (jnana), and pour your
mind into the mould of devotion. Then the entire consciousness
takes on the Divine Name, Form and Substance. Then, whatever is
spoken or done or thought assumes the splendour and purity of the
Divine. Remember, nothing will please God more than rigorous
adherence to righteousness (Dharma). You can stick to the path
ofDharma only if you are conscious of the Divine in everything that
you see or hear, touch or taste.
- Divine Discourse, Nov 1970.

Transform work into worship, and worship into wisdom. Baba

30 nvMbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: swnUM,idvX hox leI kI krnw cwhIdw hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,Xwd duAwauNdy hn[
au`qr: jd qusIN iksy cWdI dI mUrq nUM, ikRSn dI mUrq iv`c bdlxw cwhuMdy ho qW qusIN,ieh ies qrHW nhIN kr
skdy ik pihlW mUrqI nUM,kpVy nwl F`k dau Aqy ku`J sYkMfW qoN bwd,aus kpVy nUM,aus qoN auqwr dau[ikRSn dI
mUrqI bxwaux leI,pihlW,cWdI dI mUrqI dy Coty-Coty tukVy krny pYx gy,auh tukiVAW nUM ipGlwauxw pvy gw Aqy
iPr,ipGlI cWdI nUM ikRSn dI mUrq dy sWcy iv`c pwauxw pvy gw[ausy qrHW,jd quhwfI ie`Cw,idvX bxx dI hovy qW
pihlW moh-mwieAw nUM smwpq kro,iPr aus nUM,igAwn dI A`g iv`c ipGlwau Aqy iPr Awpxy mn nUM,BgqI dy sWcy
iv`c pwau[iPr AwpxI cyqnw nUM,Bgvwn dy nW,aus dy rUp au`qy kyNidRq kr dau[iPr,jo ku`J vI boilAw jWdw hY,kIqw
jWdw hY jW soicAw jWdw hY,auh mhwn Aqy piv`r bx jWdw hY[Xwd r`Ko ik Drm au`qy clx qoN ibnW ,koeI vI
cIz,Bgvwn nUM KuS nhIN kr skdI[qusIN,Drm dy rsqy qy qW hI cl skdy ho jy qusIN,hr vsqU iv`c idvXqw dI

hoNd nUM svIkwrdy ho Aqy aus idvXqw nUM,hr cIz iv`c, ijhVI qusIN vyKdy ho,suxdy ho ,CUNdy ho Aqy c`Kdy ho,vyKdy
ho[(nvMbr,1970 dy idvX pRvcn)[
hr kMm nUM pUjw iv`c bdlo Aqy hr pUjw nUM ,igAwn iv`c bdlo[(bwbw)[

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