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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam December 01, 2015

In our day to day living, are we listening to huge uproars around us, or
experiencing sound stillness? Bhagawan lovingly explains the root-cause,
whatever is our experience.

The almanac might indicate that ten units of rain will fall, but even if
you fold that news sheet ten times and squeeze, not a drop of rain can
be extracted. Almanacs purpose is to give information about rain. Rain
is in the clouds above. After learning from scriptures, if you immerse
yourself in spiritual practice, then the world and its worries will not
affect you. It is only when you are far from practice that you experience
suffering and feel pain. As you approach the marketplace, you hear a
huge indistinct uproar. But when you enter it, you can clearly
distinguish each conversation. So too until the reality of the
Supreme(Paramatma) is known to you, you are overpowered and
stunned by the uproar of the world! But when you practice sincerely,
everything becomes clear and the Divine reality awakens within you.
Until then, you will be caught up in the meaningless noise of
argumentation, disputation, and exhibitionist flamboyance.
- Prema Vahini, Ch 16.

All knowledge and scholarship are of no avail if there is n o practice of virtue. - Baba
01 dsMbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: kI AsIN,hr roz dI izMdgI iv`c,Sor-Srwbw hI suxdy hW jW SWq vwqwvrx qoN ku`J AnuBv krdy
hW?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl,ies AnuBv dw mu`Flw kwrx dsdy hn[
au`qr: jMqRI ,BwvyN quhwnUM,ieh d`sy ik 10 Xuint vrKw hovy gI pr qusIN BwvyN aus Kbr nUM dyx vwlI SIt dIAW ds
iqhW lgw ky aus nUM incoVo,qW vI aus iv`coN,vrKw dI iek bUMd vI nhIN inkly gI[jMqRI dw kMm, quhwnUM kyvl vrKw
dI jwxkwrI dyxw hI hY[vrKw qW kyvl,au`pr bdlW iv`c hI hY[Drm-gRMQW iv`coN is`Kx qoN bwd, jy auh is`iKAW qy

Aml(Ai`BAws) kro gy qW hI ies sMswr Aqy ies dIAW musIbqW dw,quhwfy au`qy koeI Asr nhIN hovy
gw[quhwnUM,du`K-qklIPW aus vyly hI AwauNdIAW hn jd qusIN,Dwrimk is`iKAwvW dw A`iBAws nhIN krdy[jd
qusIN,mwrikt dy nyVy jWdy ho qW quhwnUM,kyvl Sor hI sunweI idMdw hY pr jd qusIN mwrikt iv`c jw ky lokW dy nyVy
KVy huMdy ho qW quhwnUM,lokW dI g`lW dI smJ vI Awaux lg pYNdI hY ik auh kI kih rhy hn[ausy qrHW ,jd qweIN
quhwnUM,Bgvwn dI AslIXq dw pqw nhIN lgdw ,qusIN dunIAW dy Sor-Srwby iv`c aulJy rihMdy ho[pr jd
qusIN,iemwndwrI nwl Bgvwn nUM pRwpq krn leI A`iBAws krdy ho qW quhwfy AMdr idivXqw jwgdI hY[au`nI dyr
qweIN,qusIN PzUl dI bihs,lVweI-JgVy Aqy ivKwvw krdy rihMdy ho[(pRym vwihnI,A`iDAwey,16)[
swry igAwn Aqy bhuqI pVHweI dw koeI lwB nhIN jd qweIN,aus hunr dw A`iBAws nw kIqw jwvy[(bwbw)[

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