December 03 2015

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam December 03, 2015

How do we cultivate such love that can earn for us the Lord Himself?
Bhagawan lovingly instructs us as to where to begin.
The Lord is attained only through supreme devotion (parabhakthi).Supreme devotion can be acquired only through spiritual
wisdom (jnana).Spiritual wisdom can be cultivated only through
faith (sraddha), and faith comes only through love. So how is love to
be cultivated? Through two methods: 1. Always consider the faults of
others, however big, to be insignificant and negligible. Always
consider your own faults, however insignificant and negligible, to be
big, and feel sad and repentant. By these means, you avoid
developing bigger faults and defects, and acquire the qualities of
brotherliness and forbearance. 2. Whatever you do, with yourself or
with others, do it remembering that God is omnipresent. He sees,
hears and knows everything. Discriminate between the true and the
false, and speak only the truth. Discriminate between right and wrong,
and do only the right. Endeavour every moment to be aware of the
omnipotence of God.
- Prema Vahini, Ch 19

The one filled with Divine Love will be fearless, will seek nothing from others, and will be
spontaneous and selfless in expressing their Love. Baba
03 dsMbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: swnUM,iks qrHW dw ipAwr pYdw krnw cwhIdw hY ijhdy nwl Bgvwn,swnUM pRwpq ho skx[Bgvwn swnUM dsdy
hn ik swnUM,ieh ik`QoN SurU krnw cwhIdw hY?
au`qr: Bgvwn dI BgqI,aunHW dI prm-BgqI nwl hI ho skdI hY[au`cqm BgqI,kyvl A`iDAwqimk igAwn rwhIN
hI sMBv hY[A`iDAwqimk igAwn, Bgvwn leI SRDw hox kr ky imldw hY Aqy SRDw jW ivSvwS ,kyvl ipAwr nwl
hI hwsl kIqw jw skdw hY[pr,ipAwr ikvyN pYdw kIqw jw skdw hY?ies dy do qrIky hn:1. dUijAW dy nuks ij`ny
mrzI v`fy hox,aunHW nUN pUrI qrHW nzr AMdwz kr dau[hmySw,Awpxy iv`c nuksW nUM,BwvyN auh nw-mwqr hI hox,aunHW
nUM bhuq v`fw kr ky jwxo[auh nuksW leI,Awpxy-Awp nUM burw m`no Aqy aunHW vwsqy pCqwvw kro[ies qrHW krn
nwl,qusIN v`fI glqIAW krn qoN bc jwvo gy Aqy quhwfy iv`c,BweI-cwry Aqy dieAwluqw dy gux Aw jwx gy[2. jo
ku`J vI qusIN Awpxy leI Aqy dUijAW leI kro,ieh Xwd kr ky kro ik Bgvwn,hr jgHw ivrwjmwn hn[auh,hr
cIz nUM vyKdy hn,suxdy hn Aqy hr cIz nUM,jwxdy hn[JUT Aqy s`c dI pihcwn kro Aqy hmySw s`c hI bolo[TIk

Aqy glq dI pihcwn kro Aqy kyvl,TIk hI kro[hr vyly,Bgvwn dy srv-SkqImwn hox dI scweI nUM jwxx dI
koiSS kro[(pRym vwihnI,A`iDAwey,19)[
ijhVy mnu`K iv`c idvX ipAwr krn dw gux hY aus nUM iksy dw fr nhIN huMdw,dUijAW qoN,aus nUM iksy cIz dI Aws
nhIN huMdI Aqy ipAwr nUM drswaux leI auh insvwrQ huMdw hY Aqy ipAwr d`sx leI ,iJjkdw vI nhIN[(bwbw)

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