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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam December 04, 2015

What is the easiest way to attain the supreme, and to be rich and happy
beyond our wildest dreams? Bhagawan lovingly explains to us today.

The individual I believes it is limited; but that is an illusion. It is the

same Universal Spirit, imagining itself to be limited. This awareness
can come to you either through a flash of intellectual analysis or a
flash of Universal Love. The awareness is an act of identification which
requires Love. Love is God; Love is the means and end. That is why
there are no atheists for there is no being without love of some kind or
other. And love of any kind, of any measure, is but a spark of Divinity.
Love knows no fear, it promotes truth, it finds peace, it builds faith, and
it promotes concord. To develop love, the easiest, highest and the
most fruitful sacrifice is that of the ego. Crucify it and be free. Dedicate
it to God, and be rich and happy beyond all your imagination.
- Divine Discourse, Nov 1970

The individual I believes it is limited; but that is an illusion. It is the

same Universal Spirit, imagining itself to be limited. This awareness
can come to you either through a flash of intellectual analysis or a
flash of Universal Love. The awareness is an act of identification which
requires Love. Love is God; Love is the means and end. That is why
there are no atheists for there is no being without love of some kind or
other. And love of any kind, of any measure, is but a spark of Divinity.
Love knows no fear, it promotes truth, it finds peace, it builds faith, and
it promotes concord. To develop love, the easiest, highest and the
most fruitful sacrifice is that of the ego. Crucify it and be free. Dedicate
it to God, and be rich and happy beyond all your imagination.
- Divine Discourse, Nov 1970

Righteous action and control of the senses are essential for the cultivation of
universal love and goodness. Baba
04 dsMbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: Bgvwn nUM pRwpq krn dw ikhVw sOKw qrIkw hY Aqy AsIN Awpxy supinAW qoN vI v`D ikvyN AmIr Aqy KuS
rih skdy hW?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: hr mnu`K,Awpxy-Awp nUM,iek`lw Aqy sIimq smJdw hY pr ieh iek Brm hY[hr mnu`K iv`c vws kr rhI
Awqmw,srv-ivAwpk Awqmw hI hY,ijs dy Brm iv`c auh sIimq hY[mnu`K nUM,ies gl dI jwgrUpqw, bu`DImqw nwl
kIqy CMdI-Cyd jW srv-ivAwpk ipAwr dI Jlk qoN hI imly gI[jwgrUpqw auh pihcwn hY ijhVI ipAwr mMgdI
hY[ipAwr,Bgvwn hY Aqy ipAwr hI mnu`K dw mu`F Aqy AMq hY[iehI kwrx hY ik ies sMswr iv`c koeI vI nwsiqk
nhIN hY ikauoN jo ies sMswr iv`c,koeI vI ies qrHW dw mnu`K nhIN hY ijhVw iksy nUM,ie`k jW dUjy FMg nwl ipAwr
nhIN krdw[ipAwr,iksy iksm dw vI hovy,auh qW idvXqw dI icMigAwVI hY[ipAwr nUM,iksy dw fr nhIN huMdw,ieh
scweI dw pRqIk hY,ieh SWqI pYdw krdw hY,ieh ivSvwS pYdw krdw hY Aqy ieh irSqy kwiem krdw hY[ipAwr
pYdw krn dw sOKw,au`cw Aqy bhuq Pldwiek, ieh FMg hY ik qusIN Awpxy hMkwr dw ivnwS kr dau[ies hMkwr nUM
jlw ky rwK kr dau Aqy Awzwd ho jwau[Awpxy hMkwr nUM,Bgvwn nUM Aripq kr dau Aqy AmIr bx ky KuSIAW
BirAw jIvn bqIq kro[(nvMbr,1970 dy idvX pRvcn)[
srivAwpk ipAwr Aqy A`CweI pYdw krn leI,Drm dy kMm krnw Aqy AwpxIAW ieMdRIAW qy kMtRol krnw zrUrI

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