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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam December 05, 2015

How can we understand the nature of God when we have little knowledge
about or scope to observe Him? Bhagawan lovingly explains to us today.

The body is the temple of the individual (jiva), so whatever

happens in that temple is the concern of that individual. So too
the world is the body of the Lord, and all that happens in it,
good or bad, is His concern. From the observed fact of the
relationship between the individual and the body, know the
truth of the unobservable relationship of the Lord and creation.
The relationship of the individual (jiva) and the Lord, the
kinship between the two, can be grasped by everyone who
acquires three chief instruments: (1) a mind unsullied by
attachment and hatred, (2) a speech unsullied by falsehood
and (3) a body unsullied by violence. Joy and peace do not
reside in external objects; they are within you. But in your
foolishness, you search for them outside yourself, in a world
from which, today ortomorrow, you are bound to depart.
Therefore, wake up now! Try to know the essence of the
eternal truth. Try to experience the love that is God Himself.
- Prema Vahini, Ch 19.

He who discriminates well before engaging in any activity will naturally be righteous in conduct and
behaviour. Baba
05 dsMbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: AsIN ikvyN,Bgvwn bwry jwx skdy hW jd ik swnUM,aunHW bwry koeI igAwn nhIN hY jW swnUM,aunHW nUM vyKx dI
koeI aumId nhIN hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: hr jIv dw SrIr,aus dw mMdr hY[ies leI,aus mMdr iv`c jo vI vwprdw hY,aus dw vwsqw(sMbMD),aus
mnu`K nwl hI hY[ausy qrHW,ieh sMswr,Bgvwn dw SrIr hY Aqy jo ku`J vI ,cMgw jW mwVw,ies sMswr iv`c ho irhw
hY,aus dw sMbMD,Bgvwn nwl hI hY[mnu`K,jo ku`J vI Awpxy Aqy Awpxy SrIr ivckwr irSqw vyKdw hY,aus
qoN,Bgvwn Aqy aus v`loN bxweI sirStI dy irSqy qoN,nw ivKx vwlI scweI nUM jwxo[hr jIv dw ijhVw
irSqw,Bgvwn nwl hY,aus nUM jwxx leI,iq`n mu`K AOzwr(FMg) cwhIdy hn[1. auh mn,ijhVw moh- mwieAw Aqy
nPrq qoN dUiSq nhIN hY[2. auh vwxI,ijhVI JUT qoN dUiSq nhIN hY[3. auh SrIr,ijhVw ihMsw qoN dUiSq nhIN
hY[KuSI Aqy SWqI,bwhrlIAW cIzW iv`c ivrwjmwn nhIN hn;ieh donoN qW quhwfy AMdr hI hn[pr quhwfI mUrKqw

kwrx,qusIN ienHW nUM,Awpxy qoN bwhr,ies sMswr iv`c l`Bdy ho,ijs sMswr nUM qusW, A`j jW kl,hr hwlq iv`c,C`f ky
cly jwxw hY[ies leI,huxy hI jwgo[AnMq(sQweI) scweI nUM jwxx dI koiSS kro[aus ipAwr dw AnuBv
kro,ijhVw Bgvwn Kud hn[pRym vwihnI,A`iDAwey 19[
ijhVw mnu`K,ku`J vI krn qoN pihlW,ieh vyK lYNdw hY ik ieh kMm krnw TIk hY jW glq,aus v`loN kIqw krm Aqy
brqwau,Drm dy muqwbk hI hovy gw[(bwbw)[

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