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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam December 06, 2015

What is the task dearest to the Lord? Bhagawan lovingly reminds us today, so
that we are inspired to follow it assiduously every day.

The Lord descends now and then to uplift the downtrodden and to
reestablish righteousness (dharma). Clearly grasp this truth. Many
who read the Bhagavad Gita take it that the Lord incarnates
whendharma is destroyed and when the forces of
unrighteousness(adharma) begin to prevail. This is incorrect; The
Gita does not say nor is there any basis to draw the conclusion
that dharma gets destroyed. The word used is
diminish (glaani); that is to say, when the indications are
that dharma is in danger, The Lord will come to
protect dharma from harm. Lord Krishna did not say that He will
come down to protect and preserve it after dharma has been
destroyed! Of what use is a doctor after life has left? So too, the
Lord will rush when the practice is declining or weakening. The
protection of dharma is the task of the Lord, for dharma is the very
breath of every soul (jivi).
- Dharma Vahini, Ch 6.

When we practise righteousness (Dharma), the Divinity within us will manifest itself spontaneously.
06 dsMbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: Bgvwn nUM,ikhVw kMm bhuq psMd hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ies bwry ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn qW jo AsIN hr
roz,iekwgr ic`q ho ky,ies dI pwlxw krIey[
au`qr:Bgvwn,smyN-smyN qy jd vI loV pYNdI hY,Drm dI sQwpnw krn leI,Avqwr lYNdy hn[ies scweI nUM,cMgI
qrHW smJ lau[ijhVy lok,Bwgvd gIqw pVHdy hn,auh ieh smJdy hn ik Bgvwn,aus vyly Avqwr lYNd hn,jd
Drm dw ivnwS ho jWdw hY Aqy ADrm dw bol-bwlw huMdw hY[ieh,glq hY[nW qW ieh gIqw kihMdI hY Aqy nw hI
ies qoN koeI ies qrHW dw nqIzw k`iFAw jwxw cwhIdw hY ik Drm dw ivnwS huMdw hY[gIqw iv`c,ijhVw Sbd
il`iKAw hY ,auh hY Drm dI iglwnI,ArQwq jd ieh mihsUs hox l`gdw hY ik Drm Kqry iv`c hY[Bgvwn,ies
Drm dy nukswn hox nUM bcwaux dI Kwiqr hI ,DrqI qy Avqwr lYNdy hn[Bgvwn ikRSn ny ieh kdy nhIN ikhw ik
jd Drm dw ivnwS ho jwvy gw qW hI mYN,ies nUM bcwaux Aqy muV sQwpn krn leI Avqwr lvW gw[fwktr dw kI

lwB,jy mnu`K mr hI cuikAw hY[ies leI,Bgvwn aus vyly hI Avqwr lYNdy hn jd Drm dI pwlxw krn iv`c Gwt
AwauNdI hY[Bgvwn dw kMm,Drm dI rkSw krnI hY ikauN jo Drm hI,hr jIv dw swh(sWs) hY[(Drm
jd AsIN Drm dI pwlxw krW gy qW Awpxy-Awp hI ,J`t-p`t swfy iv`c idvXqw dw Awgmn ho jwvy gw[(bwbw)[

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