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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam December 07, 2015

What should we do to obtain the cure for this ailment of the cycle of birth and
death? Bhagawan lovingly reminds us today.
Everyone, be they learned or illiterate, should feel an overwhelming
urge to know God. God has equal affection toward all His children,
for to illumine is the nature of light. Utilising that illumination, some
choose to read good books while others do their daily tasks,
whatever they are! Similarly uttering Gods name, one can progress
in the realisation of God, another may choose to do wicked deeds!
It all depends on how you choose to use the light. But the Lords
name is without blemish, always and forever. Gods name must be
recited and listened to. For some ailments medicines are
prescribed for external application while for others, they are to be
consumed. But for this universal ailment of the cycle of birth and
death (bhava-roga),the medicines prescribed are listening to
spiritual discourses(sravana), singing Gods name (kirtana), and the
- Prema Vahini, Ch 21.

When God is pleased with you, the whole world will be pleased with you. Therefore, let all your
efforts be towards pleasing God. Baba
07 dsMbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: swnUM,jnm Aqy mrn dI ibmwrI qoN bcx dI Kwqr,kI qrIkw brqxw cwhIdw hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ies bwry
Xwd duAwauNdy hn[
au`qr: BwvyN koeI piV`Aw hY jW AnpVH,aus nUM cwhIdw hY ik auh ,Bgvwn bwry jwxy[Bgvwn nUM,Awpxy swry b`cy
ipAwry hn ikauN jo rOSnI dw ieh sBwau hY ik auh,hr pwsy,cwxxw kry[ies rOSnI dw iesqymwl krdy hoey,ku`J
lok cMgIAW ikqwbW pVHdy hn Aqy ku`J,jo vI auh kMm krnw cwhuNdy hn,kMm krdy hn[ausy qrHW,Bgvwn dw jpx
vwlw mnu`K,Bgvwn nUM pRwpq krn iv`c qr`kI kr lYNdw hY Aqy ku`J,kmInIAW hrkqW krn iv`c Awpxw smW nSt
kr lYNdy hn[ieh swrw ku`J,ies gl qy inrBr krdw hY ik qusIN,ies rOSnI dw iks qrIky nwl pRXog krdy
ho[pr,Bgvwn dy nW iv`c hmySw ,koeI mYl(doS) nhIN huMdw[Bgvwn dw nW,lYxw vI cwhIdw hY Aqy suxxw vI cwhIdw
hY[ku`J ibmwrIAW leI dvweI SrIr au`qy mlx leI huMdI hY Aqy ku`J ibmwrIAW leI dvweI,KwxI pYNdI hY[pr,ies
sMswr dy mrn Aqy jnm dy c`kr dI ibmwrI dw ieh ielwj hY ik A`iDAwqimk pRvcn suxo,Bgvwn dI aupwsnw
ivc Bjn gwau ArQwq kIrqn kro Aqy ies qrHW dy hor idvX kMm kro[(pRym vwihnI,A`iDAwey,21)[

jd quhwfy nwl Bgvwn KuS hn,qW quhwfy nwl,swrw sMswr KuS ho jwvy gw[ies leI, hr koiSS hoxI cwhIdI hY ik
qusIN,Bgvwn nUM KuS r`Ko[(bwbw)[

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