December 08 2015

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam December 08, 2015

Why and how must we uphold and spread righteousness? Bhagawan lovingly
explains to us today.

In ancient times, people never gave up the practice

of Dharmaeven when threatened with death at the point of the
sword. Now without even the slightest pressure from others,
people slide down and fall into
unrighteousness (Adharma). Practicing Dharma is not an
ordinary affair. The one who does not practice dharma is as bad
as dead; one who practices it is of the divine nature. Presently
there is an urgent need to turn people onto the dharmic path
through the traditional methods of counselling with good advice,
sharing with them the attractive consequences of following the
path, threatening to dissociate from those who do not, and
inflicting punishment as a last resort. You should derive the
greatest possible benefit from dharma and while following it,
avoid causing any injury to yourselves or others. You must
spread the glory of dharma by making yourself a shining example
of the peace and joy it gives.
- Dharma Vahini, Ch 5.

Cultivate your heart to raise a harvest of Truth, Righteousness, Peace and Love. - Baba
08 dsMbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: swnUM,Drm dI pwlxw Aqy ies dI rkSw ikvyN Aqy ikauN krnI cwhIdw hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl
smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr:purwxy zmwny iv`c,jd lokW nUM qlvwr dI nok qy,mOq dy Gwt auqwrn dI DmkI idMqI jWdI sI,auh Awpxw
Drm dy A`iBAws qy fty rihMdy sn[A`j-k`l,BwvyN dUijAW qoN zrw vI dbwau nw hovy,qW vI auh,Drm dI pwlxw nhIN
krdy[Drm dI pwlxw krnw,koeI Awswn kMm nhIN[ijhVw mnu`K,Drm dI pwlxw nhIN krdw,auh iek murdy dI qrHW
hY Aqy ijhVw mnu`K,Drm dI pwlxw krdw hY auh,iek idvX mnu`K huMdw hY[A`j-k`l,ies gl dI sKq zrUrq hY
ik cMgI nsIhq dy pRcilq FMgW rwhIN,Drm qy clx dy lwB ds ky,aunHW lokW dw swQ nhIN dy ky ijhVy Drm nUM nhIN
mMndy,lokW nUM Drm dy rsqy clx dI nsIhq dyxI cwhIdI hY[Drm qy cl ky,quhwnUM,bhuq lwB auTwauxw cwhIdw hY

Aqy Drm qy cldy hoey,nw qW Awpxy-Awp nUM Aqy nw hI dUijAW nUM,nukswn phuMcwey[quhwnUM,SWqI Aqy KuSI dI
v`iDAw audwhrx dy ky,Drm dI cMigAweI nUM,Pylwauxw cwhIdw hY[(Drm vwihnI,A`iDAwey pMj)[
Awpxy idl iv`c,scweI,Drm ,SWqI Aqy ipAwr dI Psl augwau[(bwbw)[

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