December 11 2015

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam December 11, 2015

What is the surest way to attain a sacred and holy consummation? Bhagawan
lovingly explains to us today.
The net result of all this living and toiling is whatever
comes to memory at the last moment of life.
Therefore direct the entire current of life towards
acquisition of the mental tendency (samskara) that
you want to have during the last moment. The
feeling that dominates the moment of death works
with great force in the coming life. This truth must
guide a person for the journey of this life too, for
inborn desires are the wherewithal for this journey as
well as for the journey after this. Therefore
from tomorrow, always keep death, which is
inevitable, before the eye of memory and engage
yourself in the journey of life with good wishes for all,
with strict adherence to truth, seeking always the
company of the good, and with the mind always
fixed on the Lord. Avoid evil deeds, hateful and
harmful thoughts, and dont get attached to the
world. If you live thus, your last moment will be pure,
sweet, and blessed.
- Prema Vahini Ch 27.

Bend the body, mend the senses and end the mind - this should be your endeavour. Baba
11 dsMbr,2015
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn: auh ikhVw XkInI FMg hY ijhdy nwl,piv`qr, pwvn Aqy piv`qr pUrxqw pRwpq kIqI jw skdI
hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: ies swry jIvn dw is`tw auh XwdwSq hY ijhVI quhwnUM,AMiqm smyN qy Xwd AwauNdI hY[ies leI,Awpxy jIvn
dy sMskwr auhI r`Ko,ijhVy qusIN Awpxy jIvn dy AMq smyN qy cwhuMdy ho[mOq dy mOky qy,auh ivcwr ijhVy quhwfI izMdgI
iv`c rhy hn,aunHW dw swirAW qoN izAwdw pRBwv huMdw hY[iehI scweI dI mdd nwl,mnu`K nUM Awpxy jIvn dw rsqw
pUrw krnw cwhIdw hY ikaoNu jo pYdwieSI ie`CwvW ,jIvn dI XwqRw ivc Aqy mrn qoN bwd vI aus dy nwl hI rihMdIAW
hn[ies leI,kl qoN,mOq nUM AwpxIAW A`KW dy swhmxy r`Ko ,ijhVI mOq AwauxI hI AwauxI hY Aqy Awpxy-Awp
nUM,lokW dy Bly leI smripq kr idau Aqy scweI dw p`kw swQ lY ky,Awpxw iDAwn,Bgvwn nUM Xwd krn iv`c
lgwau[bury kMmW dI AxdyKI kro,nPrq Aqy nukswn phuMcwaux vwly ivcwr C`fo Aqy Awpxy-Awp nUM,sMswrI moh-

mwieAw qoN dUr r`Ko[jy qusIN,ies qrHW dw jIvn ibqwauxw SurU r`Ko gy qW quhwfI AMiqm GVI piv`qr,im`TI Aqy
AwSIrvwd nwl BrI hovy gI[(pRym vwihnI,A`iDAwey 27)[
SrIr nUM Jukwau,ieMdRIAW qy kwbU pwau Aqy mn dI smwpqI kro[iehI quhwfy jIvn dI koiSS hoxI cwhIdI

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