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Fractions, Decimals and Percents Notes

Adding and Subtracting with Decimals

- When asked to estimate, there are multiple strategies
however most of the time you will be asked to round to the
nearest thousandths, tenth, dollar etc.
o One strategy is Front End Estimations where you take
the whole number of a decimal value and add them
o For ex: If we refer to the connect question on pg. 99
and estimate the distances done by the runner: 8.85km
+ 12.25km +10.9km +9.65km + 14.4km
So I would take: 8+12+10+9+14 (since these are
the whole values) = about 53km
o If this is difficult you can also round up the next decimal
8.85km + 12.25km +10.9km +9.65km + 14.4km
So this would be:
9km+13km+11km+10km+15km= about 58km
- When adding or subtracting decimal values follow the
following steps:
o Line up your digits according to place value and most
importantly line up your decimals. Then continue to add
or subtract as you normally would.
Multiplying with Decimals
- When multiplying with decimals, first:
o Multiply the numbers as you would with whole
DECIMALS Just line up your numbers as you would be
when multiplying whole numbers
o then add up how many numbers are there behind the
decimals from the values you multiplied together
o Starting from the end of your answer, you begin to
move your decimal over, that many times.
o For ex: 32.12 X 0.5


1 6 06 0

So, 16060 is my answer, now my next step is to

count how many number are being my decimals in
the original question: 32.12 X 0.5 = there are 3
numbers, so I need to move my decimal over three
So my final answer is: 16.060
o Now lets refer to the text book. A Base Ten Block is a
block you have used before, it is made up of small
cubes, it is a 10 X 10 Square, and so there are 10 rows
and 10 columns of small cubes. This is called a flat. One
flat is make up of 100 small cubes.
When we refer to a flat here we are going to call it
One rod, which is one row making up 10 small
cubes is now referred to as 0.1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
. . . . . . . . . .
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1




small cube will be referred to as

So, one flat is made up of 100 small cubes, as you can see one
small cube is 0.01 of a flat which = 1
o 0.01 X 100= 1
One rod is made up of 10 small cubes
o 0.01 X 10 = 0.1
o How many rods make up the whole flat? You should
notice one row is one tenth of the whole flat so:
0.1 X 10 = 1 which is one flat

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