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Post Construction Services POST — CONSTRUCTION SERVICES Post Construction Services ““wraps-up” the whole range of architectural services. It gives ful meening to what the professional calls comprehensive Architectural Services, The Chennel of Communications from building owners and operators to architects, and building research groups is maintained so that information on performenct buildings, and building component is readily available. ‘The involvement of the Architect in Post Construction Service helps maintain the necessary channel of Communications between the designers and the end users. Some of the services are the following: 8) Building and Equipment Maintenance b) Building and Ground Administrations ¢) Post — Construction Evaluation BUILDING AND EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE. 1. With the Completion of the structure and consequent turnover to the Owner, the latter can hire the services of an “IN HOUSE” or resident Architect. It shall be the duty of the Architect to see to it that the building and all the parts thereat (plumbing and lighting fixtures, partitions, etc.) 8s well as the equipment (air conditioning, sprinkler system. Generators, etc.) are in good working condition and properly maintained. B. BUILDING AND GROUND ADMINISTRATION 1. Aside from building and equipment maintenance, th ‘88 the building and grounds administrator: The respor in-house’’ Architect functions ibilities are: a) b) Monitoring of Security and janitorial services. ling of tenants for rente and utilities like electricity, water, telephone and gas. ¢) Must be conversant with local ordinances and building regulations enacted to pro- tect health, life and property. ©, POST CONSTRUCTION EVALUATION 1, Whenever desired by the Owner, the Architect can offer post-construction evaluation services consisting of the following: a) Evaluet the initial programs versus the actual use of facility. b) Determine the effectiveness of the various building systems and the materials systems in use. c) Evaluate the functional effectiveness of the plan of the design construction process under 350 METHOD OF COMPENSATION 1, Selery Basis — Fixed monthly/daily etc. 2, Management Fee based on percenta; 6 of, iio wvertoniain 8° Of Gross rentals. The rate of the Fee is from 4% to In both cases, the expenses for repairs of the buildi 7 the grounds are peid separately by the Owner. 7 SouPment and maintenance of TECHNICAL FUNCTIONS The technical functions of building administration nd management include the following: 1, Interior and Exterior Maintenance and Operations Supervision 8. Housekeeping, cleanliness and ‘sanitation of building premises, ‘Specially lobby areas ane ‘comfort rooms, exterior facade, parking areas, etc. Proper scheduling, monitoring and personnel assignments should be made. Establish a standard and max i ‘spections to ensure compliance. epee regdar b. Landscaping maintenance. Schedules, Personnel and material 1 requirements shell de- pend on the area of landscaping, type and amount of plants, w degree of use and other factors. ¢. Solid waste collection, hauling and disposal. 4. Pest control services. '®. Painting, carpentry, and waterproofing. Depends on materials used, weather condi- tions and users, etc. {. Furniture and fixtures, includes furniture located in common areas, information and security desks, trash cans, ash trays, etc. @. Assignment and scheduling of contractual services of janitorial services, elevator attendants, doormen, front desk operators, and other manpower services. 2. Engineering maintenance and operations. includ ions, maintenance and repairs of all mechanical, electrical, ventilating and air conditioning system, water pumps, deep-well system, plumbing and sanitary systems, telephone house cables, Generator set and other building equipment and facilities. Development of a maintenance schedule and maintenance manual. Consider the a following: — Type of establishment — Function and organizational set-up = Type of equipment to be used and maintained. — Budget — Number of personnel ~ Room classifications and use — Density of users per room — Site development plan — Floor plans and elevations — Electrical and communications plans — Plumbing and mechanical plans 351 b. The maintenance guide should include information such as — Equipment type, brand, capacity = Operational controls — Local distributor of such equipment as pumps, motors, telephone and PABX systems, and airconditioning equipment. — Location of transformers, panel board and other controls. ©. Supervision of the operation of all mechanical and electrical equipment. Internal to technical supervision and staff, includes schedules, persons in charge, etc. ~ Deter- mine number of maintenance personnel. Funning aircon systems, pumps and water systems = running all electrical systems — minor preventive maintenance of mechanical and electrical equipment minor civil works maintenance 4. Direction and supervision of related maintenance calls from tenants on electrical ‘mechanical, plumbing and other needed maintenance works. @. Proper maintenance and repair coordination with the installer of the mechanical and electrical installations in the project. 3, Technical Audit and Major Preventive Maintenance. Audit of mechanical and electrical ‘equipment. Outside consultants with high technical skills on specific equipment usually required. ‘4. Development of an Energy Management Program. Use of an outside consultant is recom- mended. 8. Set energy management policy Conducted detailed energy audit — Data collection includes historical and background data, such as energy consump- tion, working drawings, maintenance records and other documents on file, — Site inspection and interviews: architectural Procedures, schedules, internal en- vironment conditions, building utilization such as occupancy, and maintenance. b. Formulate the plan of action, c. Evaluate and maintain the energy Management program. 5. Security and Safety Operations Includes security and safety operation, for the saf fequarding of life and property of tenants and visitors. 8. Proper control and supervision of all secu c n of 'Y agencies assigned to the premises, their respective posts, and coordination with its detachment officers. Assignment nod senegulTg (OF verde. inspection tours, and reporting systems of security agency guards. The use of a single agency is recommended. b. Institute security end safety measures for tenants an. — visitors control: logbook — Issuance of gate passes and clearances for all movement of all construction Moryers, materials, furniture, office equipment, and fixtures in and oct of the building premises. \d their visitors. ©. Operation, control and monitoring of safety and emer gency systems such as network alarm systems, electronic surveillance devices and other communication facilities. 352 d, Pedestrian visitors and traffic flow control in the premi — vehiculer traffic; control of entrances and exits of vehicles — traffic/parking regulations and policy implementations — traffic directional sign age in the premises. @. Local law enforcement on safety aspects, fire prevention and loss control. . Fire Safety Plan. Use of an outside consultent is recommended. a. Emergency planning b. Fire protection c. Fire exits d. Fire prevention, Fire suppression — Fire loading = Electrical systems — Welding — safety consciousness — Safety inspections/audit 6. Fire drills . Training, development and formation of a Fire Bridge Team 9. Operation, supervision, control and monitoring of the centralized fire alarm systems, fire sprinkler systems, etc. h. Fire Code (PD 1185), Consider: — Means of Egress (Div. 4, FCP) — Doors, Interior Steirs and Smokeproof Towers; Outside Stairs; Horizontal Exits; Ramps; Exits Passageway; Escalators and Moving Walks; Fire Escape Stairs, Ladders and Slide Escapes; illuminations of means of Egress; and Exit Making — Features of Fire Protection (Div. 5, FCP) — protection of vertical opening end com- bustible concealed spaces; interior finish; Protective signalling system; automatic sprinklers and other extinguishing equipment; segregation and protection of hazards; smoke partitions and fire doors. — Building service equipment (Div. 8, FCP) smoke venting; rubbish chut chutes, and flue-fed incinerators; and automatic elevators. — Maintenance of Exit Ways (Rule 4, FCP) — Application of the various technical requirements enumerated above on, various group occupancies such es places ‘of assembly; educational; institutional (hospitals, etc.); mercantile; industrial; re laundry, 353

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