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Section 5 My Life Plan

Someday far in the future I want to have started my own business in

photography. That requires education and training in business and
photography. I am currently working on some of those classes here at Salt
Lake Community College, but as for the mid-term and short-term goals, here
it goes.
1 year
In one year I want to have successfully finished first year classes. There are
more first year classes in my case, since I am majoring in photography and
minoring in business. I would love to have a part time job where I already
work, which is a payroll office in South Salt Lake. Some of the skills and
hobbies I already do are piano-playing and picture-taking.
2 years
In two years I will most likely still be working on the same stuff I was working
on in year 1, but by this time I hope to have a better understanding about
the programs and the different environments that I will be working or
learning in.
5 years
In five years I want to have graduated from Salt Lake Community College
with my associates degree in business and my associates degree in
photography. I would like to start a full time job and start working on getting
my own business started. I would have to use all my education as soon as
possible before it vanishes like a plastic bag in the wind. I would love to
begin a savings and investment plan for myself and for my business. I would
also love to have a fulfilling personal relationship with someone who will
support my dreams and the things I do.
6 or 7 years
In 6 or 7 years I would want to be married and starting my family, saving for
a home, and planning my dream trip to Australia. There are probably so
many things I could take pictures of in Australia that I wouldnt be able to see
here. Ive always wanted to take a trip to Australia.
10 years

In ten years I want to have my business well known throughout the

community. I want to have proven wrong the saying Some things you just
cant capture in a picture. I would also love to go to Alaska sometime before
ten years is over so that I can see the Northern Lights at their fullest.

Some of the challenges that could hit and put a strain on my life plan could
be financial strain, a major injury, or family responsibilities. Failing a class is
not an option. If there was to be financial strain somewhere in the near
future I would handle it by working more. This could be hard with a family
and is not always possible. Skipping a semester or taking fewer classes is
always an option, but that would most likely need to be avoided. Financial
Aid is available most the time anyway so hopefully that wont get in the way.
A major injury is what could stop me the most (especially if I got paralyzed or
something). A photographer needs legs, I promise. Im not sure how I would
handle this. Hopefully this will never happen, but if it does I hope I dont get
paralyzed or lose any of my fingers (which is my biggest fear, I wouldnt be
able to play the piano). As far as family responsibilities go, my family is big
and hopefully they will support me in most of what I do, and they will take
care of things that will need to happen in the future. I have a lot of big
dreams, and I know sometimes things wont go exactly as planned, but you
can only make the best of what happens.

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