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Review of Computer Basics

Fill in the blanks

Answer the following questions

a. What happens when you right click on the mouse?

b. Where is the Start Menu located?

c. What are icons?

d. Which part of the computer stores all of the memory and storage?

2. Word Processing
a. How to copy and paste
i. Highlight, click copy icon then click on page where youd
like the text to go and click past icon.
ii. Highlight, right click, and select copy, then paste.
b. How to change font size
i. Home tab, change number from drop down menu or by
typing in.
ii. Right click, change number from drop down menu or by
typing in.
c. How to change font color
i. Home tab, click the icon with the A and bar of color underneath of it, then select
color. Same if you right click.

3. Keyboard
Label the following:

Home row, both the keyboard and the fingers as they should be placed
Caps Lock

Grade level: 3rd

By the third grade, students should have already been introduced to the basics of the computer and
how it works. The beginning of this hand out is a review for students. They should all know these
different components of the computer and have a general understanding of what their function is. They
should have also already been introduced to Word processing so the second part is to further their
knowledge on this subject. As they are reading through this section, the teacher should be doing a live
demonstration of these to help the student navigate on their own computer. The last section is about
how to properly use the keyboard. With every computer concepts lesson, students should be taking
time to practice their keyboard efficiency. They should have already been introduced to the basic keys of
the keyboard, but finger placement will be a new thing this year.

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