Rachael Collins Anottated Bibliography

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Rachael Collins

Professor Joy McDonald

English 101-17
November 13 2015

Annotated Bibliography
Johnson, Jenna. "Majority of College Dropouts Cite Financial Struggles as Main Cause."
Washington Post. The Washington Post, 09 Dec. 2009. Web. 8 Nov. 2015.
There are many college students around the world who get into their desired
university and drop out, but why? In this article by Jenna Johnson, the topic of discussion
is the cost of higher education and the effect that it has on the enrolling students. Jenna
Johnson goes into explaining the main reason for college dropouts, which seems to be
because of costly tuition. Jenna goes briefly touches bases on various subjects that relate
to the tuition to support her claim. This article is of relevance to my topic because it
touches bases on the costly tuition and how it affects the students that are enrolled.
Molitor, Christopher J., and Duane E. Leigh. "In-School Work Experience and the
Returns to Two-Year and Four-Year Colleges." Economics of Education Review 24.4
(2005): 459-68. Web.
The difference between a two year and four year university has been a topic that
many people ponder. In this Journal Article Christopher J, Molitor and Duane E. Leigh
explore the difference between the estimated returns to in-school work experience
between a community college and a university. They also discuss the sensitivity of
estimated returns to two-year and four-year colleges to the inclusion of in-school work
experience. The lack of a more rewarding degree was apart of the discussion as well. This
article is of relevance to my topic because it discusses what educational advantages a
four-year university may have over a two-year university that causes the difference in
Sahadi, Jeanne. "2004-05 College Tuition: Movin' on up." CNN. Cable News Network. A
Time Warner Company, 19 May 2004. Web. 9 Nov. 2015.
Jeanne Sahadi states, The cost of going to college in September will, as it has
since the 1980s, rise far more than inflation. This online database discussed this issue
back in 2004; just imagine how much it increased as of 2015. Jeanne Sahadi breaks down
the numbers of schools tuitions, he took 15 popular schools from across the country and
evaluated them. Eventually Sahadi goes into explaining why the tuition is rising. This is
important to my topic because it is vital that myself and other know the reason for the

increase in tuition, it is also important that the percentage of the increase is brought to
Samuels, Robert. Why Public Higher Education Should Be Free: How to Decrease Cost
and Increase Quality at American Universities. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.
In this text Robert Samuels discusses why Higher education should be free.
Samuels talks about how the universities and how they are falsely judged. He suggests
that they should be evaluated based off of what the student learns after completing their
four years as opposed to being judged off of the test scores of the incoming students. He
also discusses how the universities squander funds and mislead the public. Samuels
breaks down the different aspects of American universities and in doing so he reveals the
true quality of some universities and how it is not equivalent to the cost. This is important
to my topic because the author evaluates the universities over priced tuition.
Hayden, Tom. "We Can't Afford to Be Quiet About the Rising Cost of College." Editorial.
Chronicle of Higher Education 28 Mar. 2010, Opinion & Ideas sec.: n. pag. Chronicle of
Higher Education. Web. 9 Nov. 2015.
In this editorial Tom Hayden voices his opinion in the tuition of various
universities. Tom Hayden states, The current generation of young people deserves
admiration for the contributions they already have made following this statement Tom
Hayden continues to provide facts from the past and compare them to the quality and
price of higher education today. He discusses how the students enrolled in colleges
around the world are falling into debt due to the outstanding price of tuition. This
editorial is important to my topic because like author Tom Hayden I too cannot keep quiet
about this costly tuition.

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