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STUDENT ID NO: 0322790
FILMS SELECTED: Lilo and Stitch, How to Train Your Dragon (Animated films)
WORD COUNT: 812 words
ENGLISH 2 (ELG 30605)

Comparing Lilo and Stitch and How to Train Your Dragon

Nowadays, media had become part of our life, and one of them is movies.
When we talked about movie, we can easily separate them into different types
and genre. One of the most common genre movies is the animated movie.
Animated movie usually targeting on kids and family customers, and provide
them the laughter and joy through the movie. We can even able to learn some
life moral or lesson from the animated movie, for example. Under animated
movie, there are also categorised into branches of genre too, such as animatedaction, animated-comedy or even action-fantasy, and many more. Each
animated movie can be differing by the flow of the story, character personality,
relationship between the characters and also the animated technique used.
For the animated movie Lilo and Stitch which produced by Walt Disney
Feature Animation, the animated technique that used is traditional cell, or in the
other way is called hand drawn animation. In this technique, the animators are
required to hand drawn each individual frames and photographed one-by-one
against a painted background, to create the illusion of movement. In this movie,
the animators choose to include the technique of watercolour to evoke the bright
setting that found in the storybook. As for the movie How to Train Your Dragon
which produced by DreamWorks Animation, the animate technique that used is
the Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI), which the character are create through
computer and programmed in each scene of the movie. By using CGI, the movie
are able to convert into 3-Dimentional based, and indeed, it is a very complex
animation compare to Lilo and Stitch.
Beside the technique used, the flow of story in both movie is also different.
In Lilo and Stitch, the story started with Stitch escaped and Lilo adopted him.
By then, the Hawaii citizen did not found out that Stitch is a notorious fugitive
and they still accept him as Lilos pet. At the climate part where Captain Gantu
mistaken Lilo and Stitch was finally captured by Dr Jumba and Pleakley, Lilo
sister, Nani accepted Stitch as a fugitive and have faith in him that he will
successfully rescue Lilo. However, in How to Train Your Dragon, Hiccup was
looked down by his father, Stoick the Vast, that he was too small and weak to
become a dragon slayer. After he successfully captured a Night Fury, Toothless,
he found out that dragon are not as cruel as what his father taught him. Instead,
he started to train Toothless and proved to his father that dragons are kind and
Next, the characters personalities are different far apart in both movies
too, where Stitch from Lilo and Stitch compare with Toothless from How to
Train Your Dragon. The personality of Stitch is that he is full of anger as he is
mainly created by Dr Jumba which is capable for creating chaos. After Stitch is
adopted by Lilo, he started to change as Lilo showed him many things other than
chaos and destroy. On the other hand, Toothless was found injured by Hiccup and
he thought that Hiccup is similar to the others and tried to kill him. Toothless was
shocked when Hiccup created a fake wing for him and feed him. His attitude
towards Hiccup has changed and treated Hiccup as a part of him life.

Last but not least, the difference between both movies is the relationship
between the main characters. In Lilo and Stitch, Stitch and Lilo have a strong
bond between them as Stitch had replaced the empty void inside of Lilo which
caused by the death of her parents, while Lilo showed and proved to Stitch that
he is not made to become a monster. Through this, they were able to live on
happily as they found someone that needed each other. As for How to Train Your
Dragon, Toothless is physically depend on Hiccup because of his injury. Without
Hiccup, he was not able to feed and protect himself. Cause of his injury, Hiccup
always brought fishes for him and let him fly up in the air like he used to be. As
for Hiccup, he is not completely depends on Toothless. He still capable of living
without Toothless, and Toothless had just become a pet, transportation,
entertainment and weapon for him. By comparing this, we can easily know that
the bond between Hiccup and Toothless is less compact compare to the relation
between Lilo and Stitch.
In the nutshell, we can tell that there are many differences between both
movies, Lilo and Stitch and How to Train Your Dragon, such as the flow of the
story, character personality, relationship between the characters and also the
animated technique used. Although there are much differences compare than
similarities between both of the movies, they also gained a lot of popularities
among the society as both of them are great animated movie after all.


Lilo & Stitch vs. How to Train Your Dragon. (2015, May 13). Retrieved
September 23, 2015, from

Lilo & Stitch. (n.d.). Retrieved September 23, 2015, from

How to Train Your Dragon. (n.d.). Retrieved September 23, 2015, from

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