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Kundalini Yoga

workshop for happiness

duration: 2 hours
public: men and women adult students
this workshop is for people willing to discover the secrets of happiness.
it comes from a series of lectures Yogi Bhajan gave in september 1980.
I will explain how kindness brings happiness.
then teach a meditation:
secrets of happiness I, september 3 1980, Kriya p319
part one and two, about 15 min
Then ill read or play a part of a lecture by Yogi Bhajan (found in library of teachings,
You name me one person one I quote unquote one person who has left 3HO and who
is happy? Then question is why people are not in 3HO? People cannot be in 3HO
either, because 3HO is a label to be healthy, to be happy and to be holy and those who
enjoy to be unhappy, unholy, neurotic, psychotic, they want to play around. How, how
can you believe. Because it is not that there is wrong with 3HO there is a wrong with our
way of life, because some people enjoy to be corrupt, they equally enjoy to be corrupt.
Some people really enjoy it. Three things normally people enjoy, depression, insecurity
and corruption. Depression, insecurity and corruption opposite of that is to be healthy,
happy and holy. And I tell you today one secret. It takes exactly the same energy,
exactly the same energy to go either way. Because if somebody is depressed it is the
same person with same pranic energy, if somebody is healthy and jubilant and happy
it's the same person, person are the same. There cannot be two person and I want to
prove it to you today.
This meditation can bring out of depression
secrets of Happiness II, september 9,1980, Kriya p321
part one and two, about 18 min
After that, we will do a final meditation to show how the naad can bring happiness
first I will divide men and women in 2 groups
then teach this meditation:
Secrets of Happiness III, september 29,1980 Kriya p323
for about 80 min
This last meditation is a beautiful nada specially if chanting in tantric style. First one
group chant the mantra, then the other group reply.

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