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nee ‘© The dot product i used to determine the angle petween two ‘vectors or the projection of a veetorin a specified direction, # If vectors A and B are expressed in Cartesian vector form. the dot product is determined by multiplying the respective x,y, © scalar components and algebraically adding the results, 1c. A-B= A,B. + A,By + A.B. ‘From the definition of the dot product, the angle formed between. the tails of vectors A and Bis 0 = cos YA-B/AB). ‘+ The magnitude of the projection of vector A along a line ea whose direction is specified by wy is determined from the dot product A, = At. Determine the magnitudes of the projection of the force Fin Fig. 2-44 conto the w and » axes Wig. 244 SOLUTION Projections of Farce. The graphical representation of the projections is shown in Fig, -44. From this figure, the magnitudes of the projections of F onto the wand vayes can be obtained by trigonometry: (Ev)yoq = (100N}c08 45° = 70.7 N Ans, (Fs = (WOON) 00815" = 96.5 N Ans NOTE: These projections are not equal to the magnitudes of the componenis of force F along the nando axes found from the pparallelogeam law. They will only be equal if the w and v axes are perpendicular to one another. 72 Chartex 2. Force Vecrors Ez “The frame shown in Fig. 2-45e is subjected to & horizontal force F = (300j}. Determine the magnitude of the components of this force parallel and perpendicularto member AB. BF = [smn FF along AB is equal to the dot ‘Product of F and the unit vector up, which defines the direction of AB, Fig 2-44b, Since fe +h +3 = SE = ozi0i + 0897) + 0429 ts” Vor> Fs By then Fag F cos = Fay ~ (3009) (02861 + 0857} + 0.4298) = (0)(0.286) + (3¢0)(0.387) + (0Y(0.429) =2571N Ans ‘Since the resulta postive solar, has the sume sense of direction a8 up, Fig.2-450. Expressing Fay in Cartesian veetor form, we have as = Fats = (257.1 N)(O2S + OAT] ~ 0.429%) = (735i + 2255 + TOKYN Ans ‘The perpendicalar component, Fig. 2-45h, is therefore Fy = F~ Fan = 300) ~ (73.51 + 220) + 110K) = {735i + 80j ~ 110K} N Tis magnitude can be determined either from this vector or by using ‘the Pythagorean theorem, Fig. 2-450; F, = VF = Fag = VGWONY = @57INY =155N Ans. 29. Dor Proouct 73 ‘The pipe in Fig 2-46a is subjected to the force of F= 80 Ib. Determine the single @ between F and the pipe segment BA and the projection of F along this segment, SOLUTION Angle #. First ve will to C;Fig. 2-458, Then we will determi ‘of these two vectors. lish position vectors from B to A and B the angle ? between the tails faa = {72-2} + Ik} Mh rgq= 30. tye = (3) + 1K) Mt, rage = Vion Ths Haa‘tme _ (-2)(0) + (—2-3) + (0) _ coo = 07379 "ato 3vi0 0-8" Ati Components of F. The component of F along BA is shown in Fig. 2-40, We must first formulate the unit veetor along BA and force Fas Cartesian vectors fea _ (23) + 1h) Pa 3 we =s0n( te) = (2) = asn9 ase : Pz rac 10 we hie = 1595 «asa (24-2 =( 2) +c rs0n(-2) + e529(!) i 0.01b Ans NOTE: Since @is known.then also, Fa = F cos = 80 Thos 42.5* = $901 Fig. 2-46

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