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Martinez 1

Jairo Martinez Escalante

Ivn Ballestas
Group 13
November 4, 2015
The Lonely Mans Depression.
Human being used to be in company of people who make them feel nice; however, some
people have difficulties to find who take that place in their life, therefore, they are involved
in the loneliness. In Sonnet 29, William Shakespeare express depression because he
assumes he has been having bad luck, When in disgrace with fortune, Shakespeare,
Sonnet 29, line1.
The author also feels in disgrace with mens eyes, implying that the reader looks on him
unfavorably, this idea is supported in the second line, when he regrets his solitude, I all
alone beweep my outcast state, Shakespeare, Sonnet 29, line 2. Here, the word state is
referring to a state of being, in this case, he was rejected from society.
Shakespeare find himself wishing what others have, he sees almost everyone as having
something he lacks. Wishing me like to one more rich in hope, Shakespeare, Sonnet 29,
line 5. The poet also uses others expressions like featured like him referring to somebody
who is handsome, or with friends possessed, meaning someone very popular, to show he
envies somebody with a special talent.

Martinez 2
To conclude, we need to keep in mind that according to Shakespeare, people need to be in
company of others to feel well, in other to maintain high their self-esteem. Also we learn
that the envy means that people are involved in misfortunes.

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