Marland Report

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EDUCATION OF THE GIFTED AND TALENTED Report to the Congress of the United States hy the US. Commissioner of Education Background Papers Submitted to the US. Offee of Education SUBCOMMITTEE ON EDUCATION COMMITTEE ON LABOR AND PUBLIC WELFARE UNITED STATES SENATE Ww Printed forthe un ofthe Commitee a8 Lab ad EDUCATION OF THE GIFTED AND TALENTED YOLUME 1; REPORT T0 THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES BY THE US. COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Baoxeaooxy snp Mernovotoay or sine Srupy “Raucators, legislators nd parents have long puzzled over the prob- tas of ice tel sadn in le eactinal progran vamatly¢¢ « philocophy of egalitarianism, seape lw tha gifted children can be,idetiied as easly ax the pre res aod that these cildten in inter life often anake Out anteutions to oar aocety m the ars, polities, busines and Baaneiicon Bus cieturbingiys research fas confirmed that man {Wluntedciidron perform far below thei intellectual potential. We Meeniercasingly being srippal of the comfortable notion that a Peeht tind ill make its own. way. Intellectual and creative talent Suygotenrviveeduentional mmplet andl apathy “iis las ie particulary evident in Uhe minority groups who have in buch social Bnd edueatlonal environments every configuration eal ‘lated fo ate potential talent. "The Congress of the United States exprsied it interest and con corn by pacing » lnenurk sition to ve Elementary and Second ser Bh Raton” Amendments of 196 (Public Law 81-230), section SER, HProvislons elated to gated a talented children.” ThA amend timmy Yo i ow ad Senate proved fore peek changes ih existing Vegsation, Tt explese on iBeSne oat de pled und talented tarde should benefit from Bed Sta mauction hagsation-notely Giles TTT and V of the Elementary ‘Shut Sutndary-Eatncation Ace andthe teacher fllowahip provisions af tye Higher Edvation Act of 1056, Section 808 directed the Com- tmissonerof Education to conduct a dady to: Dalene th extent to which spc luetiong saan ogra are necesary OF useful to net the needs of gifted cect e enn 1 Show which Federal education assistance programs are being won trea the neds of fed and talented earn ealuate how existing Federal educational sasstance pro- eran ge ete Nae ‘ikscmmpent new programs, if any, needed to meet these ew ‘Tais report is the Commissioner’ responto to that: mandate ‘The stay was essgned by the Acting Commissioner of Fcation to the thet Deputy Arsistant Seettary/Deputy, Commissioner for Brannings Resarcy and Evaluation (im the Offce of Edvcation) pov the Ofc of the Deputy Commissioner for Development. ‘The Trudy was planned coordinated, and directed by Jane Case Williams. “Racausn this study represented sn area of concern for both the Fed- coral and now Federal sectors, and offered the U.S. Office of Educa Gin {USOE) the opportunity to study an educational problem with o 2 "ational sigan, long tenn mpleations for sora, was ete iibed thatthe study would be don diectly from the Ofice of Eda: tion. "This arrangement enabled the Ofies to (2) eal on is lege reservoir of expert among staf! people, (2). contract for technical Services a8 needed, (3) ute the feglanal oices of USOB, and 4) Sgn atioaly Know experts inthe Bld 9 "The plan developed for the study, as accepted and amplified by the intemal sdvicey panel omseked of fe uajor acces 1. Review of research, other available literature and expert knoe 2 Analysis of the educational data tases available to, USOP, sand the development of a major data bas through the Survey fof Laadership in Bacation of Gifted and Talented Children nd Youth” orate Sure) ‘S"Pubitehonrings by the Regional Assistant Comniisioners of "aieation in each of the 10 THEW regions to interpret negional eds States with long: “EBeuaies ot programs in representative idecuppore for eluction of gifted and talented standing state children 5. Review and analysis of the system for delivery of Ofice of Balwcaton progr to benefit gifted and talented chien ‘This study bogan in Angst 1920 with the development and nesept- sce of the plan and concluded in June 197 with the preparation of ‘hefina report, whieh i bast on {hive major neti "Public Law 91-280, Sertion 806, states tut the Commissioner of adueation shall define "gted and Yat wes of Federal duction programs Findings and docnnenttion from Gifted and tleted dn ar thse eat y profeninally quel one wa brine fontaine are nna o gn petrmunce {Resear tire ore eretate oeatna poze apo ser Sebel he cra rs phe esa col yo oe fo "hilar apatieof u perormunce acing hoe wits deported sieve amet anor pein ai tna a coat su ftented gt encmgun a nim oes percent tease popation, vilnce of ed and fakes sien ay be decralned y ues Tile metsurer which are eneatil ounpnents of aestioaton: TT teators school pogchaath:coanocions curren meeilist srtist tears, $ht pcaaie wb sb non aie To nase pl ema i deiiton was subuently test ‘veya in the reenteh review {ras determined early in the development of the study plan that inchsion in the Elementary and Secontary Amendinents would de: Himit the study population to the elementary and sondary school ag6 (Gat gear), alfough ements itn th rr hae Dlieations for eariy education of sift and talented chdven (before ‘heos) and postsecondary education. Toraua of the inadequacy of available data on education programa of other Federal azncis the study was lnited to edacation programs SUhinisered by USOE. ‘This study has produc recommendations on special programs ax suggested priorites in planning individval programs caumates of De ronal suport a teacher cing oie ad 4 lo fal sport ts ay fn th sexta Val oon pes et ae eee De ee ee oe ce eee ia Satya enc edar era ES, era ie apis ins el piste dee ope ere Brera SR ge ad eid is pry age ar eee se ee eT Dood prese cgi ner Je ae See ree eae Sey a nena See ee ee eaE se ee ein eee ee eee crore sa oer eae ee eel ee eee Seriecanal ae ieee ae ela ae eae eee Seine ee re ee eee aes aa yet ad oe ee SRS rare ea adn ate sez icme demand prin plo i 4 Aeprivaton suffered by any other population with special needs faived ly the OMe of Bduetion Special Services for the gifted (such ee the disadvantaged) and ted wll also serve ether target populations singled ot for sttention nnd support. —Rervies provide to gifted and talented children ean and do pro duc sigafieant and measurable outcomes, —Sfates snd local communities look to the Federal Government for Jetdahip In this ares of elation, with oF without mae ~The Peoral sole in delivery of services to the gifted and talento ‘is presently all bt nonexistants ‘Theno findings, which atw documented in Volume TT, provide ample evidanco of the need for nation by the U.S. Olle of Education to ‘liminate the widespread noglec of gifted and talented children led tral leadership inthis flores requied to confirm and manta pro» Visions for th gifted and talent asa netional priority, and to eneou ge the States to include dis prionty in tein own planing, TRewognizing thew needy the C8, Ofes of ataraion i taking ‘to mote them immediatly, Ten major activities, under existing eat ‘ation logislation, willbe itiated in 1971. “Lhe Deputy, Commissioner for School Systems wil complete a planning report for the Commissioner on mplementing a Federal role Invsivaton of ged and tented iden by February 1 2 Assigumant of contin mn responsibility for gifted an tale education wth USO wl mad to he Bupa Come oer for Sshool Systems, with the expectation of further delegation fo'the Bureau of Biueation for the Handicapped. A. taf program soup wil niall soni of thre profes! poses With ap inte seretarial stata support servos, aU ATnationide fet srvey wil oan Sformaton on sucmnfal progruns and program elaneste davai more precise cot figures, i= Proveevaltation proces fortis thebases for model programs, ad Hevelopya clearinghouse on gift and talented education, “S UBOE will utilize ile Vy ESEA and other authorizations, to strengthen State Education Agencies capabilities for gifted and talented education S,USOb will spportn tho summer of 172 two national eerie tesning intitutes to upgrade supervisory pervonnel and progea Tiga edhe eda ete pee SOR will smpport additional’ program activities in major re serch and development iateutions which have the inter and pacity to work on learning problems and opportunitice among minority Brom ESOR will build onthe career education mates being developed byte National Centes for Eduational Research and Development by induding program artvitie specie to employer-based raree cdc ton fore pie nd talented Th Commiscioner has requested spa attention ofthe comprehensiveexperinental soo} projets othe Gon" of proprams to benefit the gifted ad talented students a9 0 “omponent of the comprehensive desian to effet mveational reform 5 8, USOR will continue to encomage, ESHA title IIT activites throug eommnanication with Stste education agencies iastance of pro fram guidelines, and cooperative acsignment of USOE title IT pro- frum af tothe Gifted and Talented Beogean Group, 0, One sta member willbe dented in each of the ton Regional Offices of Bauettion as responsible, at least past time, for gifted and talente education 11, The exiting OE programs relating to higher education will bo carefully studied by the Gifted and Talented Prngesma Group in onder to optinize their potential for the gifted and talented population and teacher of thee students

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