The Story of A Young Flower

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A young flower*- Anne

By Kartikay Kaul

What can a flower symbolize?

It can symbolize anything a girl*, a baby, a delicate thing,
beauty, attraction, love, sacredness, purity, youth . It
depends on how far the mans imagination goes.

Anne Frank Story Covers

1925 1933 1940 1944


Emigrating to

The German

The Day
they are

Life in Germany 1925

After getting married, Otto and Edith Frank
settle in Frankfurt. They soon have children:
Margot in 1926, and Anne in 1929. Those first
few years are happy ones, but the economic
crisis empowers Hitlers NSDAP.
In 1933, Hitler takes over as leader of the
German government. Otto and Edith Frank are
deeply worried.
Not only are they Jewish but the economic crisis
causes problems too. Theylook for a means of
They seek shelters in an apartment block called
by them- secret annexe.

Otto Frank manages to set up a business in
Amsterdam. Edith, Margot and Anne follow him
to the Netherlands. They find a place to live on
the Merwedeplein.
The Franks feel safe and free again. The
children go to school, Otto works hard on his
business and Edith takes care of the household.
But then World War 2 breaks out. On 10 May
1940, Germany invades the Netherlands. The
Frank family is in danger once more.

The German Invasion

With the Netherlands now occupied, life changes for the Frank
family. Restrictions keep mounting, both for individuals and for
Otto's business. When Margot is called up to be sent to a
German labour camp, Otto and Edith decide the dangers have
become too great. They take their family into hiding (topic covered
in next slide ).


Otto and Edith Frank are

prepared. They have been

arranging a secret hiding
place and had already
planned to go into hiding
with their daughters on July
16. Due to Margot's call-up,
the planned date is now
moved much closer.
The secret hiding place is

nearly ready when Margot

receives her call up. The
next day the Frank family
leave for the hiding place.
They think it is too
dangerous to wait any

Preparing to go into hiding


It is Jo Kleimans idea to make the house behind Ottos office into

a hiding place.
The hiding place is not only for the Franks but also for the

Van Pels family: Hermann and Auguste and their son Peter.
Hermann van Pels works in Otto Franks business.
The evening of July 5 is extremely hectic. Members of Ottos staff,

who know about the plan, drop by to take as many of the familys
personal possessions to the hiding place.
Very early the next morning, Margot leaves the house first and

bicycles with Miep to the hiding place. A half hour later, Otto,
Edith and Anne depart. They are wearing as many layers of
clothing as possible and each of them carries a bag filled with the
family's things. They walk to the hiding place in the pouring rain.
Naturally, Anne brings her diary. Much later, she will look back and

write: My happy-go-lucky, carefree school days are gone forever.

1940- The German

After 1940 the good times were few and far between:
First there was the war, then the capitulation and then
the arrival of Germans, which is when the trouble started
fir Jews. Anne Frank

Anne: 10 years old

The Diary of A
Young Girl
Diary of a young girl is a
novel based upon the
revised diary entries
written by Anne Frank.
The diary was found by
Miep Gies (one of the
survivors after war) and
she gave it to her father
Otto Frank who published
it in Dutch in 1945.
Later, an English one was
published in 1952 after
the story became

The next few slides are going to

cover the synopsis of the story

The First Page of Annes Diary

On her thirteenth birthday, Anne Franks parents give
her a diary. Shes excited because she wants someone,
or something, in which to confide all of her secret
thoughts. Even though she has a rich social life, she
feels misunderstood by everyone she knows. Anne starts
writing about daily events, her thoughts, school grades,
boys, all that. But, within a month, her entire life

As Jews in German-occupied Holland, the

Frank family fears for their lives. When
Annes sister, Margot, is called to appear
before the authorities, which would almost
surely mean she was being sent to a
concentration camp, Anne and her family go
into hiding. They move into a little section of
Anne's father's office building that is walled
off and hidden behind a swinging bookcase.
The little diagram of the office building and
"Secret Annex" along with the Thursday,
July 9, 1942 entry gives us the layout.

For two years, the Frank family lives in this Secret

Annex. Mr. and Mrs van Dan and their son Peter (who is
a few years older than Anne) are also in hiding with the
Franks. Later, Mr. Dussel, an elderly dentist moves in,
and Anne has to share her bedroom with him. Annes
adolescence is spent hidden from the outside world.
Shes cooped up in tiny rooms, tiptoeing around during
the day and becoming shell-shocked from the sounds of
bombs and gunfire at night.

Luckily, the Franks have tons of reading material and a

radio. Anne grows in her knowledge of politics and
literature, and she puts tons of energy into studying and
writing. At the same time, she grows further and further
away from the other members of the Annex.
We see a real change in Anne when she begins hanging
out in the attic with Peter van Daan. Around this time
she starts having dreams about a boy she was in love
with, another Peter, Peter Schiff. She sometimes even
gets the two Peters confused in her head.

She comes to see Peter (of the Annex) as

much more than she first thought. She finds
him sensitive and caring, and they talk about
everything. Eventually their relationship
changes. Anne and Peters passion turns into
a friendship and a source of comfort for them
Another big change for Anne happens when
the war seems to be ending. She hears that
personal accounts such as her diary will be in
demand after the war ends. We see a return
to her earlier optimism as she begins editing
her diary with vigour and excitement.

Unfortunately, this does not last. Even as

Anne becomes more and more sensitive to
the suffering going on in the world, her own
suffering becomes unbearable. She feels
completely alone. She thinks everyone hates
her. She feels constantly criticized. And there
is no escape. At one point, she thinks it might
have been better if she and her family had all
died instead of hiding in the Annex. As Anne
becomes harder on those around her, she also
becomes harder on herself, berating herself
for being mean to the other members of the

There her diary ends. Two short months after Annes

fifteenth birthday, and two days after her last diary entry,
the Secret Annex is raided. We dont know Annes
thoughts or feelings at that point or any time after, but we
know things got worse.
As you probably already know, Anne and the other
members of the Annex were sent to various concentration
camps. Anne's father, Otto Frank, was the sole survivor.

Knowledge test
Q1. What is Anne Franks full name?
Q2. Anne Frank was a Jewish or Christian?
Q3. What were the names of Annes family
Q4. What does Anne express for having a diary?
Q5. Why do the Franks have to leave quite early
for the Secret hiding?
Q6. Who was Adolf Hitler?
Q7. Whom does Anne call with the nick name

Knowledge Test
Q8. Which day do they leave for The Hiding Place?
Q9. How can you describe Anne on the way she lives
in the Secret Annexe(the hiding place)?
Q10. If you would have been in the place of Anne how
would you feel?
Q11. Why doesnt Anne like her mother? What does
she think about Margot, her sister?
Q12. What does Anne like about her sister- Margot?
Q13. Why does Anne confide better with the diary than
anyone else in the Annexe?
Q14. Who in Anne's family gets "called up" by the

Knowledge Test
Q15. Where is the "secret annex"?
Q16. Who is Mr. Van Dan?
Q17. Who, among her family members, does Anne feel
closest to? Her Father, mother or sister?
Q18. Whose room does Dussel move into?
Q19. What keeps the people in the Secret Annexe up at
Q20. What is Anne's overwhelming mood during the
second half of 1943?
Q21. Of what do the dreams and visions remind Anne?
Q22. What does Anne want to be when she grows up?

Creative work by:

Kartikay Kaul
Xth C

Roll No. 28

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