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The Middle Path

The Middle Path

Volume 4 Issue 7

Newsletter Date: "And whoever is an ally of Allah and His Messenger and those who have believed - indeed the party of Allah
Thursday 1st April 2010
16th Rabi’ Al-Thani 1431 will be the victors." (40:51)
Al-Jalal Masjid, 314 Biscot Road, Luton, LU3 1AZ. Tel: 01582 411744
Victory is for the believers - part 1
During his Caliphate, Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, once set out for ash-Sham (Damascus) and with him was Abu
Ubaydah. They came upon a deep creek which they needed to cross. So Umar took off his sandals and carried them on
his shoulders. Then he took the reign of the camel and began ploughing through the water. Abu Ubaydah, seeing the
Leader (khalifah) of the Muslims in this state - felt saddened and said, "I fear that the people of the village will think you
without any honour." Umar said, "Oh Abu Ubaydah, if only someone less knowledgeable then you made such a statement.
We were of the most disgraced of people and Allah granted us honour with this Islam. Now, whenever we seek honour in
other than that which Allah honoured us with, Allah shall disgrace us (once again)."

We hear often that the victory of Allah is something promised and very near. However some of us do not really believe in
PEARLS OF our hearts that Allah will grant victory to Islam. Some of us may think that this victory that Allah speaks about is only for a
certain 'star-status' group of believers or that the victory was only for a certain time in history or that it's not a promised
WISDOM: victory just a miraculous will of Allah.

We must understand that it is not anyone who is promising this - it is Allah, the Lord of the Heavens and the Earth. And it
The food is not just a promise of the Hereafter but it is promised in this life as well. In Surah Ghafir (40:51) Allah says "Indeed, we
from Allah will grant victory to Our Messengers and those who believe in this life of the world and on the day when the witnesses will

We can only hope for victory when we surrender our loyalty to Allah and His Messenger and to the believers - and no one
Abdullah Ibn else! In Surah al-Ma'idah (5:56), Allah says, "And whoever is an ally of Allah and His Messenger and those who have
Masud (RA) believed - indeed the party of Allah will be the victors." Honour and victory come only from Allah. Whoever seeks it from
related that the other than Allah, nothing awaits them but disgrace. In Surah an-Nisa' (4:138-139), Allah says "Give glad tidings to the
Prophet (SAW) hypocrites (munafiqin) that there is for them a painful punishment - those that take disbelievers as allies instead of the
believers. Do they seek with them honour ('izzah)? Rather, to Allah indeed belongs all honour!"
said: "Verily, the
Qur’an is the food And when someone thinks that this victory and honour that was promised to the righteous is only a delusion, they are in
from Allah, so fact recycling the statements of the hypocrites before them. Allah recorded their scoffing in Surah Ahzab (33:12) "And
come closer to it if (remember) when the hypocrites and those in whose hearts is disease said, 'Allah and His Messenger did not promise us
you are able. anything more then delusion."

Was the promise of victory just a delusion? Let the Qur'an speak to us the outcome - dear brothers and sisters - of that
battle of al-Ahzab! Allah tells us "And Allah repelled those who disbelieved, in their rage, not having accomplished any
Verily, the Qur’an good. And enough was Allah for the believers in battle, and ever is Allah Powerful and Exalted in Might."
is the rope of Allah,
bright light, good Ibn Kathir said, "Whoever wants a place of honour in this life and the next, let him hold firmly to the obedience of Allah -
medicine, and a his goal will be realised. This is because to Allah belongs this life and next and all honour is His. Allah says (3:26) Say (O
Muhammad), 'O Allah, Owner of Sovereignty, You give sovereignty to whom You will and You take sovereignty away from
guide for those whom You will. You honour whom You will and You humble whom You will. In Your hand is (all) good. Indeed, You are over
who hold on to it. all things competent.' "

King, prince, duke, marquise, earl, viscount, baron, baronet, and knight - these were the names the English used to
When he strays, appropriate nobility amongst themselves. Humans want to be honoured in this life and so they set out in search of things
that will grant them this honour. Some search for it in money - but when a stock market crashes and they lose everything,
the Qur’an will they commit suicide or live in humility. Some search for it in degrees - but those same degrees may be their citation for
remind him of the arrogance over others. Some search for it in military might or leadership position - but when the tables turn on them they
path; and when he become the most humiliated. Only in the worship of Allah is true honour found, because all honour belongs to Allah -
is misguided, the in Surah al-Munafiqun (63:8), Allah says "And to Allah belongs all honour, and to His Messenger, and to the believers, but
Qur’an will correct the hypocrites know not."
Al-Hasan al-Basri said concerning the people of sin, "They - even though their riding beasts pitter patter with them atop,
and their mules carry them ever so gracefully, upon them at all times is the hovering disgrace of sin. Allah shall never
allow for those who disobey Him anything more then disgrace."
Its miracle lasts
forever, and will In Surah al-Hajj (22:18), Allah says "And whoever Allah humiliates - for him there is no one to give him honour."
not be reduced by
When Prophet Noah (as) was building a boat on the commandment of Almighty Allah, the disbelievers said "His doing
rejection. what? Building a boat in the desert?" The people of Noah ran out to see if the news was true and there he was indeed,
building a huge boat without a drop of water in site. Allah tells us in Surah Hud (11:38) "And he constructed the ark -
whenever a group of the eminent of his people passed him they mocked him."
Read the Qur’an.
Allah will reward They couldn't help themselves but to ridicule him. "Hey Noah, you were a Prophet yesterday; Have you now become a
carpenter?" What happened, dear brothers and sisters, to those people who disbelieved in Allah's Messenger for 950
each word of your
years - where are they now? And who was the winner in the end?
reading tenfold...."
Certainly, in the end Allah granted a decisive victory to Noah. More so, Allah tells His Prophet, may Allah send His prayers
and blessings upon him, at the conclusion of Noah's story how victory will always be for the believers:
"So be patient, indeed, the (best) outcome is (and will always be) for the righteous (the believers)."
Indeed successful are the Indeed successful are the
believers who perform prayers believers who perform prayers
with complete devotion with complete devotion
23:1-2 23:1-2
Rabi’ Al-Thani - Jumada Al-Awwal 1431 / April 2010


Islamic April Day Start Jamat Sunrise Start Jamat Start Jamat Sunset Jamat Start Jamat

16 1st Thur 4.55 6.00 6.37 1.15 1.30 5.32 5.45 7.35 7.40 9.01 9.15

17 2nd Fri 4.53 5.45 6.35 1.15 1.30 5.32 5.45 7.37 7.42 9.02 9.30

AL-JALAL 18 3rd Sat 4.50 5.45 6.33 1.15 1.30 5.33 6.00 7.38 7.43 9.04 9.30
19 4th Sun 4.48 5.45 6.30 1.14 1.30 5.35 6.00 7.40 7.45 9.07 9.30
APRIL 2010 20 5th Mon 4.47 5.45 6.28 1.14 1.30 5.37 6.00 7.42 7.47 9.08 9.30
- Children
21 6th Tue 4.44 5.45 6.26 1.14 1.30 5.39 6.00 7.44 7.49 9.10 9.30
Monday to Friday-5.00 22 7th Wed 4.43 5.45 6.24 1.14 1.30 5.40 6.00 7.45 7.50 9.12 9.30
pm to 7.00 pm
23 8th Thur 4.42 5.30 6.21 1.14 1.30 5.41 6.00 7.47 7.52 9.13 9.30
- Women Circles
(in Bengali):
24 9th Fri 4.40 5.30 6.19 1.14 1.30 5.42 6.00 7.49 7.54 9.15 9.30
Every Wednesday at
11.00 am 25 10th Sat 4.33 5.30 6.17 1.13 1.30 5.43 6.00 7.50 7.55 9.17 9.45
- 6 pillars of imaan
course by Sheikh 26 11th Sun 4.31 5.30 6.15 1.13 1.30 5.44 6.00 7.52 7.57 9.18 9.45
Abdur Rahman
27 12th Mon 4.30 5.30 6.12 1.13 1.30 5.44 6.00 7.54 7.59 9.19 9.45

Monday 5th April (Bank 28 13th Tue 4.28 5.30 6.10 1.12 1.30 5.45 6.00 7.55 8.00 9.22 9.45
Holiday Monday) / 9.30
29 14th Wed 4.27 5.15 6.08 1.12 1.30 5.47 6.15 7.57 8.03 9.24 9.45
am to 7.30 pm

For more information 30 15th Thur 4.24 5.15 6.06 1.12 1.30 5.49 6.15 7.59 8.04 9.26 9.45
and to register - 1 16th Fri 4.22 5.15 6.04 1.11 1.30 5.50 6.15 8.01 8.06 9.27 9.45

Open to brothers & 2 17th Sat 4.20 5.15 6.01 1.11 1.30 5.51 6.15 8.02 8.07 9.29 9.45
- April talk: 3 18th Sun 4.18 5.15 5.59 1.11 1.30 5.52 6.15 8.04 8.09 9.30 9.45

Dates & Time to be 4 19th Mon 4.15 5.15 5.57 1.11 1.30 5.54 6.15 8.06 8.11 9.32 10.00
(Please check our 5 20th Tue 4.13 5.15 5.55 1.11 1.30 5.55 6.15 8.07 8.12 9.33 10.00
website and/or
announcements in 6 21st Wed 4.11 5.00 5.53 1.11 1.30 5.56 6.15 8.09 8.14 9.35 10.00
the Masjid)
7 22nd Thur 4.09 5.00 5.51 1.10 1.30 5.57 6.15 8.11 8.16 9.37 10.00
Open to brothers &
8 23rd Fri 4.07 5.00 5.49 1.10 1.30 5.58 6.15 8.12 8.17 9.38 10.00
- 12 week study of
the live of Prophet 9 24th Sat 4.04 5.00 5.47 1.10 1.30 5.59 6.15 8.14 8.19 9.39 10.00
Muhammad (saw) -
Makkan period 10 25th Sun 4.03 5.00 5.45 1.09 1.30 6.00 6.15 8.16 8.21 9.41 10.00

To be taught by Dr 11 26th Mon 4.02 5.00 5.43 1.09 1.30 6.00 6.15 8.17 8.22 9.42 10.00
Abu Mujahid Saeed
(Egypt) 12 27th Tue 4.00 5.00 5.41 1.09 1.30 6.02 6.30 8.19 8.24 9.45 10.00

Starts on Friday 23rd 13 28th Wed 3.57 5.00 5.39 1.09 1.30 6.03 6.30 8.21 8.26 9.47 10.15

Information and 14 29th Thur 3.55 4.45 5.37 1.09 1.30 6.04 6.30 8.22 8.27 9.49 10.15
publicity will be
going out soon 15 30th Fri 3.54 4.45 5.35 1.09 1.30 6.05 6.30 8.24 8.29 9.50 10.15

Open to brothers & For further information please check our website:
sisters. or Email:
Al Jalal Masjid, 314. Biscot Road, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU3 1AZ. Tel: 01582 411744

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