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Test for personality trait.

1=disagree, 2=slightly disagree, 3=neutral, 4=slightly agree and

Extroversion (E)
. Am the life of the party.
Don't talk a lot.
. Feel comfortable around people.
Keep in the background.
Start conversations

Agreeableness (A)
Feel little concern for others.
Am interested in people.
Insult people.
Sympathize with others' feelings.
Am not interested in other people's problems.

Conscientiousness (C)
Am always prepared.
Leave my belongings around.
Pay attention to details.
Make a mess of things.
Get chores done right away.

Neuroticism (N)
Get stressed out easily.
Am relaxed most of the time.

Worry about things

Seldom feel blue.
Am easily disturbed

Openness to Experience (O)

Have a rich vocabulary.

Have difficulty understanding abstract ideas.
Have a vivid imagination.
Am not interested in abstract ideas. .
Have excellent ideas

Are you working in this company with your full efficiency?
Do you think you can perform better than your current performance?
Are you able to deliver all projects within stipulated time?

How satisfied are you with

your salary compared to the work you

the current model for rewarding overtime work

comparable groups

your salary compared to other external

What is your opinion on the current fixed working hours

What is your opinion on the workload pressure
What is your opinion on the balance between personal and professional

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