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The Military, Pop Culture, and Marketability (The Proposal)

For this final progression, you will be constructing a proposal for what you will be

writing on for essay #2.

In class last week we discussed the various themes within the novel. Some themes
covered include masculinity and maturity, gender roles, morality, politics, cultural
practices, bigotry, as well as countless other topics.
Unlike essay #1, in which you were doing mostly textual analysis, for this essay you are

using the novel as a springboard to discuss an issue you would like to do further research
Some hints:

If you wanted to touch on females in the military, you might bring up Petra

and her role in the novel.

If we were to look at militarism, we could exam the use of child soldiers (this
has been done a lot in the past) and examine the psychological effect of war

(actually you can attach this to any age group.)

The role of technology and the media on our perception of the world, the use
of technology to other us, propaganda, islamophobia, as well as various
other topics students have come up with in the past. If you have an idea, this

is the progression to hammer it out.

Essentially, you can write on any topic that you can see is relevant within this
novel and then show your reader how this topic manifest in the novel.

For your proposal, construct a short write up explaining what you might be interested in
writing about. Unlike essay one, I am not asking you to analyze a specific character, rather
I am allowing you to analyze a theme/topic that you are interested in. Your proposal should

be a couple paragraphs explaining what you might want to write about in the coming essay
and why.

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