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Problem of the Week 8

Due Friday, December 11

Four mathletes, Brianna, Andy, Courtney and Brandon, competed in the finals of the Animas High
School Math Bowl. Prizes were awarded for the top three competitors as follows: first place
received an anniversary Math Faculty Pink Tie, second place received a book of Brain Teasers, and
third place received an I Love Math T-shirt.
Three staff members of AHS predicted how the prizes would be awarded.
Lauren predicted that Brandon would win the pink tie, Andy would win the book and
Courtney would win the T-shirt.
Hannah predicted that Brianna would win the pink tie, Brandon would win the book and
Courtney would win the T-shirt.
Aliza predicted that Andy would win the pink tie, Brianna would win the book and Brandon
would win the T-shirt.
It turns out that each staff member predicted exactly one prize winner correctly.
Determine precisely how the prizes were awarded.
Understanding The Problem:
In this problem I need to find out how to sort this into a graph and
easily solve this problem. This means finding out who wins 1st Place, 2nd Place, and 3rd Place.
The first thing I did was made a graph like seen below.
I started at the bottom and at

third place, because each teacher can make 1 correct decision I decided that because two teacher
Lauren and Hannah chose courtney twice then Brandon predicted by Aliza had to be correct. Then
I went to the middle row. After we know that Brandon wins third place we can eliminate him from
this row. Then I saw that because Aliza had already predicted Brandon, this leaves Andy to win
2nd place. Moving on to the first row you can easily tell that because both Aliza and Lauren had
made a correct guess that leaves Brianna to win 1st place and the pink tie.













I predicted that Courtney would win third place because two teachers predicted it.
My prediction was right. I feel my answer is right because it is common sense. If you look at the
graph you see that because every teacher can only have 1 right prediction this leaves Brandon for
third. and because Aliza predicted Brandon she cant be right again so cross Brianna off for 2nd
Place. And because Brandon has already won This leaves andy for 2nd Place. And after all this it
leaves Brianna for First Place.

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