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Bonaccorsis 5th Grade Classroom

September 2015

We have already had a

wonderful start to our school year.
This year in Science, we will learn,
explore, innovate, and create
models in order to gather new
information. Our first unit is
Weather the Weather. In this unit,
we identify the process called the
Water Cycle. We will use this
information to explore different
types of precipitation and storms.
We will even create our own
tornado models! We will also
explore different tools that
meteorologists use in order to
determine and predict the
weather. Another interesting topic
we will learn about is the clouds.
We will go outside and see real-life

Whats to Come!

Welcome to Science!

Volume 1
examples of the different
types of clouds. I can guess
that you will start to
recognize and classify the
different types of clouds
even when you are out of
school or when we are
outside at recess. The last
topic we will discuss in our

weather unit is the final steps

needed in order to make a weather
forecast. We will learn about surface
pressure, surface temperature,
dewpoint, and more! We will look at
the patterns seen in the U.S. and use
weather map symbols to create a
predicted forecast. There is so much
to learn! Lets get started!

It is going to be a
GREAT year!

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