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Brian Marshall

Kari Veblen
December 14, y

Annotated Bibliography


In Myers article, Freeing music education from schooling: Towards a

lifespan perspective on music teaching and learning. International Journal of
Community Music, myers talks about music and how it should be a lifelong
journey instead of what it is now, something that is disregarded after
highschool. Myers brought pretty effective points to this article. Myers goes
on to say, It too frequently happens that boys and girls who are valuable
members of high-school musical organizations make little or no use of their
music outside of school (p. 189). In short, students don't go through music
program at schools and and pursue music after. I can really relate to this
because I went to an arts school. My arts school consisted of talented
musicians about 60 of them. Out of the 60 people that went to the arts
school only 5 those continued to pursue post education in music. As a result
all this talent an time spent practicing, technique and/or range will be lost in
only a matter of time. All of reason for this is because of the school system.
The school system does not push lifelong learning, thus there is no impact


left on the student. The arts are viewed on a lesser playing field than the
maths and sciences, so kids grow up learning that music is just a passed
time of some sort and not a possible career option. Music is something that
can be appreciated by all people at different ages in their life. I'm interested
in the life long journey this article talks. An example of this is at western
university. Western hosts and caters to New Horizons Orchestra ensemble
which is an adult band. This group isn't just for playing and being technical
and falling all written rules , but that of a different message. Nowadays
people can join groups like the new horizon just to Join the New Horizons
Adult Band if you want to learn how to play a band instrument, brush up your
playing skills from the past, meet new people and have a whole lot of fun
with everyone. If I could ask the author, Myers, one thing it would be that I
understand the need for life long learning within the field of music, but how
does one incorporate that in todays curriculum in a way that balances with
all the other courses and how would one promote it?


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