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Change in the Making

Survey 2: To PROSPECTIVE Attendees

Change in the Making (Grades 3 & 4)
Local history meets Lowells history in an engaging program that addresses state curriculum
frameworks. Students actively explore changes in land use, the transition from a farm economy
to a mill economy, and technological innovations.
1. Before this survey, had you ever heard of the Change in the Making (CIM)
program at the Tsongas Industrial History Center (TIHC)?
a. Yes
b. No
2. If yes, how did you hear about the CIM program and/or the TIHC? Check all that
a. Search engine
b. Word of mouth
c. Onsite signage
d. Pamphlet/flyer
e. Social media
f. Other/additional comments: ____________________
3. What other programs have you chosen at the TIHC? Check all that apply.
a. Bale to Bolt
b. Yankees and Immigrants
c. Workers on the Line
d. Other/additional comments: ____________________
4. Why did you choose these programs? Check all that apply.
a. Coordinated well with classroom curriculum
b. Offered hands-on experience with historical artifacts
c. Provided a guided tour of a historical site
d. Accommodated for your number of students
e. Other options?
f. Other/additional comments: ____________________
5. Have there been any recent changes in your Social Studies curriculum that may
have kept you from choosing the TIHC?
a. No.
b. Yes.
Please explain:

6. What specific benefits do you look for most in choosing your field trip
a. Matched with classroom learning goals
b. Hands-on experience
c. Problem solving activities
d. Team building activities
e. American historical/cultural relevance
f. Other/additional comments: ____________________
7. How helpful would the following objectives be in enhancing your students
learning? Please feel free to add explanatory comments, and rate with the following scale:
1 = unhelpful

2 = somewhat helpful

3 = helpful

4 = very helpful

a. Describe how lives and work changed when people left their farms
and moved to cities to work in mills and factories.

b. Identify ways in which inventions and machines changed how
goods were produced.

c. Describe how peoples use of the land changed over time.

8. Following this survey, how likely is it that you will look into the CIM program for
your future field trip needs?
Not at all


9. Please let us know what we could do to make this program even better.

If you are willing to be contacted by TIHC staff to answer additional questions, please leave us
your contact information.
By entering my personal information, I consent to receive email communications from the
Tsongas Industrial History Center based on the information collected.
First name:
Last name:
Email address: _______________________________

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