Preschool Observation Educ 121

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Child Observation 2

Child Observation 2: Preschool

Tianna Cassell
Andrew Buckle
Ivy Tech Community College

Child Observation 2
I have decided to do my second observation on Brooklyn Jones. My friend,
Shelby is the nanny of Brooklyn and her younger brother, Riley. Brooklyn Jones is a fiveyear-old girl who lives in a two-parent home with her younger brother. For the most part,
Brooklyn is your typical five-year-old child. She is able to make complete, complex
sentences while using most grammar rules. Between ages 3 and 6, children also learn
negation. (That isnt a butterfly) and imbedded sentences. (Jennifer thinks that Bill took
the books) (Kail, R. 2015 (Seventh ed., p. 280). Pearson.) Shes able to count to ten, she
recognizes and knows her different shapes, and knows how to spell out her name.
Brooklyn is very playful, active and plays well with other children. Her mother reported
that during preschool, she plays in a group with three to four other children. She runs,
skips, throws, catches, kicks, and much more. She also has a large imagination, which is
very normal and healthy for her age. Just like an average kid, Brooklyn enjoys watching
television on a daily base and has a few favorite series to watch. Brooklyn makes sure to
tell and demonstrates when she has done something virtuous/accomplishable. This is the
way preschoolers and younger children show pride in their abilities. As children grow,
their catalog of emotions continue to expand (Kail, R. 2015 (Seventh ed., p. 298). For an
example, they start to feel l regret in relief. Brooklyn is well aware when she does
something wrong and shows regret within her actions. Although shes able to do many
things, they arent quite done correctly or accurately. When she walks down staircases,
she holds onto the railing, without letting go. When Brooklyn throws a ball, she does it
with two hands and the throw begins from in between her legs, instead of a proper overhand throw. When she attempts to catch a ball, shell extend her arms high to the air and

Child Observation 2
if the ball is caught, its done with her arms instead of her hands. Lastly, even though she
uses grammar rules, theyre often used inappropriately like foots or breaked.
Overall, Brooklyn is a normal preschooler, however, I notice some unusual things
she does for age. At this age, four-six years old, children become more independent and
self-confident with themselves, which is why I found it strange that Brooklyn is more
attached to her parents than ever. She doesnt brush her own teeth, or enjoys changing her
own clothes; this is usually done by her parents, nanny or, (who ever is around). Its not
too late for her to become independent but I did find it unusual. I also found it unusual
that Brooklyn doesnt like to eat often. She will often skip meals or cry when she is
forced to eat for her own health. This is a sign of eating disorder and self-consciousness,
which is very rare at the age of five. At what age is self-esteem greatest? The answer
may surprise you: its during the preschool years. Most preschool children have
extremely positive views on themselves across many different domains. (Kail, R.
(2015). Understand Self and Others. In Children and Their Development (Seventh ed., p.
332). Pearson.)
Having a lot of young/toddler cousins, I thought I knew all I could know about
preschoolers, but I was wrong. I definitely learned more information about preschoolers.
I leaned that each child is completely different. Each child develops at different rates and
in different ways.

Child Observation 2


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