E Portfolio 7 T Chery

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Tiffany Chery

Hlth 634
Drowsy Driver



Executive Overview
A. Drowsy Driver
1. Drowsy Driver is a program that will promote adequate sleep habits to
increase productivity, the importance of sleep and reduce the number of
vehicle injuries and/or fatalities during driving episodes.
2. Drowsy Driver is a qualified intervention that provides evidence based
information and practices as well as partnering with the National Sleep
Foundation to promote better sleep habits and reduce the number of
individuals driving while drowsy.
B. Drowsy driving is a serious problem that leads to thousands of automobile crashes
each year.1
1. The priority populations at risk are occupational shift workers such as
truck drivers and/or those who work irregular hours beyond the typical 9
to 5 schedule.
2. The problem facing the priority population is lack of sleep health
education and the importance of adequate sleep.
C. Drowsy Driver will bring awareness to the minimized importance of sleep,
highlight how it contributes to an individuals health, and identify the risk factors
of drowsy driving.
1. Goals and Objectives for Drowsy Driver
a. By the end of the program, all viewers will be able to recognize at
least two indicators of drowsiness.
b. By the end of the program, 80% of viewers will establish an
emergency safety system/procedure to follow in case they find
themselves driving drowsy.
c. By the end of the program, 80% of the viewers will be able to
identify individuals in their personal lives who may benefit from
the information provided from Drowsy Driver.
d. By the end of the program, 30% of employers will establish a
recognition system with their employees to identify potential
dangerous behavior prior to their employees departure.
e. By the end of the program, all viewers who are law enforcement
will be able to recognize behaviors of a Drowsy Driver and report
incidents appropriately in order to analyze data.
Drowsy Driver educational sessions will be promoted through employer
informational seminars and social media campaigns using various sites
such as Facebook and Instagram.
3. Short Term and Long Term Outcomes.

Tiffany Chery
Hlth 634
Drowsy Driver
a. Short term- The priority population will increase their ability to
self identify factors that contribute to drowsy driving.
b. Long term- The various occupations receiving the Drowsy Driver
education will have an impact on overall statistics of drowsy
driving related accidents and improved reporting of such accidents.


The Customers (Market Review)

A. Primary target audience in detail.
1. Behavioral Poor sleep habits, long work hours, and continuous use of
social media outlets for self entertainment and to remain awake during
long hours.
2. Cultural All cultures with various languages, religions, ethnicities,
generational status, and family structures where one if not both of the head
of households must work long hours to provide for their family.
3. Demographic Occupational shift workers with various incomes,
educational levels, family situations, and places of residence and work.
4. Physical The population will vary amongst sex and age. Shift workers
who work long hours with minimal rest time in between shifts will be a
primary target.
5. Psychographic Many individuals operate off of a power nap and/or
feel as if a few hours of sleep will give their bodies the appropriate
amount of rest in order to re-energize and have a productive day.
B. Intended secondary target audience.
1. Law enforcement personnel who report the cause of accidents for data


The Product (Product Review)

A. Health Informational Session
1. What it is- Drowsy Driver is a health informational session that will
educate various occupational shift workers who work long, various hours
that may interrupt proper sleep habits.
2. What it offers- Informational sessions in various settings including staff
meeting, social media campaigns, medical treatment settings, and self
recognition methods.
3. How it compares- Drowsy Driver will allow its intended audience to make
self pledges to not drive drowsy but will focus of self recognition of
drowsy driving factors versus pledging to a website.
B. Unique characteristics- Drowsy Driver will target multiple audiences to meet one
common goal: the recognition of drowsy driving. Being able to identify the root
causes will benefit data reports and the targeted population with limited various
marketing tools.

Tiffany Chery
Hlth 634
Drowsy Driver


A. Position
1. Imaging: There are alternatives to driving drowsy. Recognition of the
health risk of driving drowsy will reduce to amount of fatalities attributed
to drowsy driving.
2. Distinctiveness: Guiding the intended audience to self recognize their
dangerous behaviors.
B. Product
1. Features: Providing all audience members with wallet size fact sheets,
safety plans in case of emergency, 24/7 informational websites for
additional information, educating law enforcement as first responders to
dangerous behaviors such as drowsy driving.
2. Necessity: Shift workers working on night or rotating shifts are at a higher
risk for a drowsy driving crash based on evidence from crash reports.2
Shift workers are more likely than those who work a regular daytime
schedule to drive to or from work drowsy at least a few days a month
(36% vs. 12%) due to working extensive hours.3 Reducing the statistics of
drowsy driving will reduce the health risk of vehicle injuries and/or
fatalities and improve the targeted audience quality of life.
C. Price
1. Price: The informational sessions, print materials, website information and
promotions will be free of charge. The cost of these items will be covered
by a grant for non-profit organizations. As well, ad space will be sold to
complementing organizations that also promote positive health behaviors
and better driving habits.
2. Value: Providing complimentary material to various occupational settings
will reach a broader audience to promote better driving habits. Reducing
the number of injuries and fatalities is invaluable to our economy due to
keeping workers working!
D. Promotion
1. Selling points: Reducing vehicle injuries and fatalities while keeping our
workers alive!
2. Promotional places (Channels): Employer staff meetings, orientations, and
break areas. As well, social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram,
Pandora, Radio ads and other various sites. Partner with the National
Sleep Foundation during their Drowsy Driving Prevention Week to
promote Drowsy Driver and provide information to a broader audience.
Partner with local news stations to provide media coverage of various
informational sessions.

Tiffany Chery
Hlth 634
Drowsy Driver


A. One-year Projection Cost: Suggest a one-year projection on costs associated with
the advertising and promotion of your product or service.
1. Itemized unit costs:
a. Facebook ads = $5.00 a day4
b. Instagram ads = $0.14 CPC (cost per click)5
c. Pandora ads = $10.00 CPM (cost per 1000 impressions)6
d. Print Materials = $5,000.00 yearly cost.
2. Offer subtotals and total costs
a. Facebook ads = $5.00 a day x 365 days= $1,825.00
b. Instagram ads = $0.14 CPC x 13,000 clicks per year = $1,820.00
c. Pandora ads = $10.00 CPM = Yearly budget cost= $2,000.00
d. Print Materials = $5,000.00 yearly cost.
Total One-Year Budget= $10,645.00

Due to workers possibly listening to music and/or occasionally accessing social

media sites during their working periods, the initial budget will be sufficient as a
testing budget to compare year end results of target population participation with
amount utilized.

Tiffany Chery
Hlth 634
Drowsy Driver
1. Strohl K, Blatt J, Council F, et al. Drowsy Driving and Automobile Crashes. National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration- People Saving People.
http://www.nhtsa.gov/people/injury/drowsy_driving1/Drowsy.html. December 12, 2015.
2. The Road to Preventing Drowsy Driving Among Shift Workers Employer
Administrators Guide. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration website.
Accessed on December 13, 2015.
3. Facts and Stats. Drowsy Driving website. http://drowsydriving.org/about/facts-and-stats/.
Accessed on December 13, 2015.
4. How much do Facebook ads cost? Facebook website.
https://www.facebook.com/business/learn/how-much-facebook-ads-cost. Accessed
December 13, 2015.
5. Giustino N. How much do ads on Instagram cost? Penna Powers. September 15, 2015.
http://www.pennapowers.com/how-much-do-ads-on-instagram-cost/. Accessed
December 13, 2015.
6. AdSense Help. Google website. https://support.google.com/adsense/answer/18196?hl=en.
Accessed December 13, 2015.

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