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Works Cited

"Authoritarian Parenting Style Clip Example." YouTube. YouTube, 27 June 2015. Web.
13 Dec. 2015.
I decided to introduce each of my pages with a clip demonstrating the parenting style. I
think by watching this video first gives the reader a better understanding and a more
visual explanation of understanding the authoritarian parenting style. The beginning of
the video shows the child trying to sneak out of the house but being caught. This was a
good demonstration that I listed as a consequence of authoritarian. I think this video was
an effective source because it showed the thought process of an authoritarian parent but at
the same time showed the results that an authoritarian parenting style can create. This
video did a great job, in a television show example, of outlining why authoritarian parents
choose that parenting style.
"Authoritative Parenting- The Cosby Show." YouTube. YouTube, 30
Sept. 2014. Web. 13 Dec. 2015.
I decided to introduce each of my pages with a clip demonstrating the parenting style. I
think by watching this video first gives the reader a better understanding and a more
visual explanation of understanding the authoritative parenting style. In this video, it
shows the daughter confessing something to the parents. Though she was playing, the
parents did not overreact. I think the most effective part of this source was the
explanation Bill Cosby gave to his kids in the show. This explanation basically
summarized the thought processes of an authoritative parent. I think this was a good
source when it came to supporting how an authoritative parent thinks and acts.
Baumrind, Diana. "Effects of Authoritative Parental Control on Child Behavior." Child
Development 37.4 (1966): 887. Web.
I used this scholarly source because it addresses all of the parenting styles. This source
addresses each style and their effects. I used it as a hyperlink in the authoritative
parenting page because Baumrind supports this parenting style the most. This source
supports the benefits that come with authoritative parenting. It is a relevant source
because it goes into deeper explanation of why this parenting style is effective. The
audience can use this source to learn more about the benefits of authoritative parenting or
for more background and understanding of the other parenting styles.
Dewar, Gwen. "Authoritarian Parenting: What Happens to the Kids?" Authoritarian
Parenting: What Happens to the Kids? Parenting Science, 2013. Web. 13 Dec.

I used this source because it further explains the role authoritarian parenting plays in a
childs life. I talk about the consequences and the benefits on the authoritarian page but
this source further explains them. This source goes more in depth as to the consequences
of this parenting style. While addressing the good that comes from this parenting style, it
equally evaluates the negative it brings as well. I used this source for further research
behind this parenting style for the audience. It provides real-life examples and evidence
from scholarly sources.
Mgbemere, Bianca, and Rachel Telles. "Types of Parenting Styles and How to Identify
Yours." Developmental Psychology at Vanderbilt. Vanderbilt University, 10 Dec.
2013. Web. 13 Dec. 2015.
This source addresses all three of the parenting styles I address in the website. However, I
specifically used it for my page describing permissive parenting. This source does a great
job at defining the characteristics of a permissive parent. Some parents do not know what
type of parent they are and I think this source gives a good guide in establishing which
one you are. This source is relevant because it provides question that parents can ask
themselves regarding which type of parent they are. If they could relate to any of the
questions them most likely you are that type of parent or display characteristic of that
parenting style.
"Permissive Parenting." YouTube. YouTube, 06 Jan. 2011. Web. 13 Dec. 2015.
I introduced permissive parenting with this clip from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
This video demonstrated permissive parenting without actually saying it. I think this
source is relevant because it portrayed the actions of permissive parent in a great way. It
showed how essentially the daughter was making all of the commands and how the father
was pleading the whole time. It was also effective because it demonstrates how much a
permissive parent would go out their way in order to please the child and make them
happy. This source was relevant because it broke down the effects of permissive
parenting and gave the audience a glimpse of the relationship between a parent and child
and how permissive parents typically act.
Rosemond, John. "Effective Parents Enforce The Words 'Because I Said So'" Hartford Courant, 09 June 2015. Web. 13 Dec. 2015.
This source addresses the idea that authoritarian parents always say Because I said so. I
decided to use this source because when most people hear because I said so they think of
it as a negative phrase. This source is relevant because I used it in support of authoritative
parenting. This phrase can be used in effective and ineffective ways. This source
expresses how this phrase can always be seen as effective. It explains how because I said

so readdresses the role of parents and how it acts as a reminder to kids. It explained how
this phrase is used as a reality check to kids because the parents owe no explanation.
Todd, Linda. "Welcome Newborn Baby! Form Lifelong Bonds With Your
Child." Child Development Institute, n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2015.
I used this source to establish ethos with the audience. This source relates to all mothers
because it specifically addresses the moments being in and after labor. This is a moment
every mother experiences. This source is relevant because it touches on the emotions felt
by families when it comes that time the baby is born and the emotions immediately
following. I thought this article was a good reassurance that no emotion is a good or bad
emotion because everyone has different emotions and these ranges of emotions are
extremely natural. This source was a good flashback to remind the audience of when they
first had kids and a hope to establish happiness and motivation to continue to read.
Vivo, Meghan. "Discover Your Parenting Style (and How It Affects Your
Child)." Aspen Education Programs. Aspen Education Group, 2011.
Web. 13 Dec. 2015.
This source outlines an interview Meghan Vivo had with Rosemary Christoph, Ph.D.,
who is a therapist at the Academy at Swift River. This source is relevant because it
introduces the fact that everyone has a parenting style whether they realize it or not.
Deciding how to parent is essentially not something you sit down and plan because it is
something that comes without thought. Some have different reasoning and inspirations
behind their parenting styles. Dr. Christoph breaks down parenting styles into four areas
and explains each. I think this source was helpful because it allows parents to break down
and evaluate what parenting styles they exhibit and how it does not have to be one
specific style because you can exhibit a mixture of styles.

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