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Signature assignment

Paelee Aung
In this class I learned that in past the United State we have a lot of
racism this country does not have the issue with only African American
people, this country has issue with people that comes into the United States.
At first I just thought that in the past only Americans were racist to African
American, but then I found out that immigrant that comes to united states in
faces the same situation as African American. Like for example Irish, Jewish,
Latino, and other race faces this problem. Racism was a big problem but
even now it is still a problem. The discrimination again other race, this issue
is meaningful to me because even when we learn what is going on in this
country and its history we still are racist to other race this issue never goes
away history just kind of repeats itself in way but not as bad as it is before.
In my English course most of the time we discussed about the recent
news that happens in the country, because it is part of our writing
assignment. The most topics that usually comes into our discussion is racism
all over the country how racism is still part in the new century we are in.
People come all over the country some of them come to seek the refuge and
somewhat they get refuge but they get discriminated also sometime.
My conclusion is that racism in this country is not just to one race but
every race that come into this country somehow sometime they be a victim

of racism history, changes some people but not all because we still see how
racism is still one of the main problem.

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