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Garantisadong Pambata

The Mandate: A.O. 36, s2010

Aquino Health Agenda (AHA): Achieving Universal Health Care for All Filipinos

Achievement of better health outcomes, sustained health financing and responsive health system by
ensuring that all Filipinos, esp. the disadvantaged group (lowest 2 income quintiles) have equitable
access to affordable health care
Universal Health Care


Financial risk protection.

Improved access to quality hospitals and facilities

Attainment of health-related MDGs by:

Deploy CHTs to actively assist families in assessing and acting on their health needs

Utilize life cycle approach in providing needed services: FP, ANC, FBD, ENC, IPP, GP for 0-14 years

Aggressive promotion of healthy lifestyle change

Harness strengths of inter-agency and intersectoralcooperation with DepEd, DSWD and DILG

Comprehensive and integrated package of services and communication on health, nutrition and environment
for children available everyday at various settings such as home, school, health facilities and communities by
government and non-government organizations, private sectors and civic groups.

Contribute to the reduction of infant and child morbidity and mortality towards the attainment of
MDG 1 and 4.

Ensure that all Filipino children, especially the disadvantaged group (GIDA), have equitable access to
affordable health, nutrition and environment care.

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