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Opinion essay: Alcoholism

3er AO


Alumno: Jos Fernando Franco Soto

Fecha: 21 de octubre de 2015.

The alcohol is a very popular and legal drug and it is present in many different presentations. It is very
normal to see people drink it in social events like parties, familiar reunions, cocktails and many others.
It seems to the alcohol functions like a social lubricant and may be the reason for its popularity.
However, there is a problem that the alcohol carries on it: if is consumed frequently it may causes
dependency and become a disease, the alcoholism.
Alcohol is a drug that easy access and powerful propaganda received, has become a real social problem
in almost all countries and in all ages from teens. However, what those caused by excessive alcohol use
disorders are? Perhaps many people think that as long as it does not become typical alcoholic, the
consequences of drinking and often in high doses are not as alarming. But the ravages of alcohol can be
serious and many of them irreversible. Also people who abuse alcohol can do their important duties in
school, work or family. They may have legal problems related to alcohol, such as repeated arrests for
driving under the influence of alcohol.
It is very normal that the people hide their drinking or deny they have a problem, some people who
have problems with alcohol makes a great effort to solve them, often with the support of family and
friends, can recover on their own. The most important thing is to keep moderation and be careful not to
exceed in any occasion.

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