Annotated Bibliography

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Evelyn Rivera

Lorenda, Naylor. "Liberty and Equality: In Defense of Same-Sex Marriage." N.p., n.d. Print.
This work speaks about the great attention same-sex marriage has received. The article addresses
ethical and legal matters relating to the legalization of same-sex marriage. Three main areas
discussed are equality, individual liberty, and morality. It goes in depth about how denying samesex marriage will not contribute to an ideal society. I can use this to prove how same-sex
marriage is something that concerns many people. This supports the fact that same -sex
marriage not only deals with legal matters but also with ethical matters.
Richman, Kimberly. "License to Wed : What Legal Marriage Means to Same-sex Couples."
N.p., n.d. Print.
This work examines the meaning of marriage for couples in the first two states to extend the
right of marriage. It focuses on California and Massachusetts and compares and contrasts their
differences dealing with marriage rights. It explains what is at stake for couples and how access
to a legal institution can influence their conscience. I can use this work to show what couples in
the first two states experienced both mentally and physically when the right of marriage was
granted. I can analyze the process and determine how it will affect couples in other states, if the
right is given.
Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times, n.d. Web. 08 Nov. 2015.
This article states that ever since the Supreme court ruled same-sex couples have a guaranteed
right to marry about 96,000 gay unions have taken place in the U.S. More than half of same-sex
couples living together are married now. Couples now have the luxury to tie the knot and be

Evelyn Rivera
recognized as married under the law. This article shows how couples are taking advantage of this
ruling and getting married. I can use this to show how many couples were waiting for this
opportunity to get married after waiting so long.
"Couple Who Helped Pave the Way for Same-sex Marriage Is Finally Allowed to
Adopt." Washington Post. The Washington Post, n.d. Web. 08 Nov. 2015.
This article speaks about two women who wanted to adopt each others children and be a family
in the eyes of the law. Their case ended up in front of the Supreme Court. After being to marry
legally they were finally able to adopt their children and become a family. They fought against
the court against the marriage ban and they become trailblazers. I can use this evidence to prove
how one action can make a huge difference for many others. They fought for equality and they
were successful in their journey. This serves as evidence that our society is slowly making

Evelyn Rivera
Personal Reflection
Completing an annotated bibliography made me realize how much easier it is to find
credible sources through the CSUN library. This was the first time I ever had to do an annotated
bibliography, and I must admit I was somewhat confused in the beginning. By doing this
academic research, I came to realize that it is extremely time consuming. It is not something that
can be crammed, it takes a lot of time in order to look through the databases and find a piece of
work that truly calls your attention. After finding a work that I found interesting, it took me an
even longer time to read through the full text in order to get an idea of what it was all about. I
also came to realize that in order to find sources that fit to a topic; you have to go through a lot of
other sources. This process takes time and patience but it is definitely worth it in the end to come
out with interesting pieces of work.

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