Parabolic Flight 2

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Part 5: Sketch the parabola. Label the given data plus the maximum point. A good way to start labeling, your axes is to have the lower left point be (0, 25000) 45 200 4, oD 28,00 Be ga SOc aR NOE SRT EGE BE ae! Time Part 6: Reflective Writing. Did this project change the way you think about how math can be applied to the real world? Write one paragraph stating what ideas changed and why. If this project did not change the way you think, write how this project gave further evidence to support your existing opinion about applying math. Be specific. Mathematics are applied in everyday life. Most people use it everyday and don’t really notice. We use it to do a budget for groceries, to measure out baby formula, or to determine how far a road trip is. When it comes to advanced math use, there are professionals who use it every day in their careers. These professionals help our society advance. With out mathematics we would not be able to fly around the world or be able to have smart phones with amazing technology. We need mathematics in the real world to be able to live and function as an advanced society.

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