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Alyssa Wilson!

Executive Summary

The 2014 Deflategate scandal was one of the largest scandals of this decade in
sports. This scandal opened the eyes of many people in the football world,
especially in the NFL about cheating and how they take precautions with
equipment. I am going to show you how one mans actions in this football world
can effect so many people around him and for the people in the years to come.
Tom Brady was a role model for so many people. Tom Brady was an inspiration
to kids of all ages ranging from grade school to college. He was said to be one
of the greatest quarterbacks of all time. I have explored and researched the
impacts the scandal. I have read through many newspaper articles, interviews,
and magazines to find out more in detail what happened exactly. I also watched
a lot of news recordings to get more information. I broke down my information I
found by chronological order the events occurred. There were many key events
and interviews with Brady himself and The New England Patriots coach and
Athletic Director.

Table of
IntroductionPage 4
Methodology..Page 5
Results/DiscussionPage 6-7
Conclusion/Recommendation.Page 8
Works CitedPage 9




In late January 2014 The New England Patriots played the Indianapolis

Colts in the AFC Championship game. The New England Patriots won the

game to get into the Superbowl, which they won against the Seattle

Seahawks. Shortly after their game against the Colts, The Patriots were

being accused of deflating the game balls making it easier to catch and

pass in order for them to win. Tom Brady was mostly accused. His

punishment was being suspended four football games the following

season, which is the current season now.

Although Brady was supposed to be suspended for four games, that got

appealed and he was able to start the first game. The controversy also

comes about because of everyone that touches the game balls. The

equipment managers and refs touch it almost every play so that is where

a lot of the arguing comes in.


This white paper presents research findings from the analysis of this

Deflategate crisis event and how the NFL has now taken more precaution

with equipment, and Tom Bradys legacy being one of the best

quarterbacks of all time.

How the scandal changed the way the NFL takes precautions with
How the New England Patriots reacted to this situation
How Tom Bradys legacy and appearance has changed due to the




The data I found and used was gathered from a number of different online

sources including magazine articles, video press clips, and comments from

readers and reporters. I started researching this topic by just researching

the gist of the scandal and figure out the time line that everything

happened. I wanted to see when each large company and person got

involved with this scandal and for what reason. This also helped because I

could find out and analyze what was important and what was not

important for further research. I took all of my research and sorted it into

what was facts and values/opinions. The facts I then further decided what

was more important than others so I could get the best research possible.

I looked at all the different sources to find many different opinions on this


Phase 1: Research and Timeline

Phase 2: Denial
Phase 3: Apology and Negotiation

The data I found for this crisis was coded using Aristotelian Rhetorical

Theory methodology. This method utilizes the three ways to persuade an

audience: pathos, logos, and ethos.


Phase 1: Research and Timeline

Tom Brady and The New England Patriots won the AFC Championship game to
get into the Super Bowl in 2014. After the game, there were many accusations
that Tom Brady and a few other players had deflated their game balls a little bit
so it was easier for the players to throw and catch the footballs. The NFL
launched an investigation on the New England Patriots, especially quarterback
Tom Brady. Tom Brady was said to be guilty and had to take punishments for
his actions. I had found lots of information on this topic, but did not know quite
the order things happened. I categorized the information and facts.

Phase 2: Denial
Tom Brady, starting quarterback of the New England Patriots, was accused of
this scandal. Tom Brady was one of the only people to really get in trouble and
punished for what had happened in this event. In early 2014 the NFL launched
the investigation of the New England Patriots and team member Tom Brady.
Immediately after the investigation was launched Tom Brady had kept saying
"When I felt them, they were perfect. I wouldn't want anyone touching those. I
would zip those things up and lock them away until I got on the field and had
the opportunity to play with them."Tom Brady told everyone We won the
game fair and square.
Coach Bill Belichick and Owner Robert Kraft both did not believe Brady had done
anything wrong. Coach Bill Belichick stated We cant speak specifically to what
happened because once the officials have [the balls] we dont touch them
except for when we play with them in the game. Tom Brady, Bill, and Robert all

stood behind each other and their team and believed unconditionally that the
Patriots had done nothing wrong.
There were many interviews and accusations going on at this time, but Brady
and The New England Patriots continued to deny what happened. The NFL was
still furthering the investigation.

Phase 3: Apology and Negotiation

After all of these accusations there was no doubt the football community
looked down upon the New England Patriots, especially quarterback Tom Brady.
Before the next football season, 2015-2016, Tom Brady was told he would be
suspended for the first four games for the season. This not only effected Tom
Brady, but also effected the rest of the team. Bradys defense, Judge Richard
Berman, overturned Bradys four-game suspension. He made this decision after
Brady and the NFL met several times but never were able to come to a
settlement. Bradys defense said in the history of the NFL, players have never
been penalized so harshly for not cooperating. The Patriots had their opening
game on Thursday, September 10, 2015 against the Pittsburgh Steelers. Brady
started the game. Although his four-game suspension did not last, he still had
to apologize for what had happened.


After going over the scandal in detail and looking over the key objectives,

Tom Brady had a fairly easy punishment based off of his actions. Tom

Brady did have consequences, but ended up being able to play in the first

game of the season, which he was not originally allowed to. Tom Brady

has to now live with the reputation of this scandal instead of being

remembered for his greatness. This topic was very interesting as a huge

football fan. I didnt realize how much this impacted the NFL, The New

England Patriots, and Tom Brady himself. He is said to be one of the best

NFL players of all time. He has won more playoff games himself than over

half of the NFL teams. This was a sticky situation to be in for the

institution and to figure out what the punishments. The NFL did a great

job with the investigations and sanctions of this scandal.

Works Cited!
Business Insider. Tom Bradys Deflategate suspension overturned. Web. Sept. 3, 2015.

CNN. NFL Suspends Tom Brady 4 Games for Role in Defalated Footballs Scandal.
Web. February20, 2015.

NBC News. Tom Brady Says Football Scandal Hasnt Detracted Super Bowl Win. Web.
June 2015.

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