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Yue Hu

Inka Luhtanen
Katrine . Svela
Ole T. Trresen

Bringing Healthchecks
for Three-year-olds to

The city of Helsinki is developing a new

service bringing 3 year olds health
checks to kindergartens.
How can this service be relevant to the
families? What should it look like?

First stakeholder meeting, parents questionnaire,

daycare visits, playground workshop with parents.

Clinic visit, Involving parents at Sanomatalo,

Testing out the game


Strategy for the service development

1. Have a holistic view
People view public sector as one entity
2. Involve the people
Services are only as relevant and valuable as the users think
them to be
3. Use the resources available
Value is created through interaction
4. Sustain the service
The future of the service is determined by the way it is


Steps - Design Game

The gameboard

Game rules & Facilitator guide, Journey cards (pre-filled and empty)
Question cards, 3 cardboard people, Post-it notes and stickers

The game is to be used :

a) with individual stakeholder groups (parents, day care
staff and frontline employees) to understand their respective
b) in mixed groups of different stakeholders to ideate together and find a common understanding of what the service
should be like. It is also to be used
c) within the development team to ideate and find a shared

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